Chapter 6

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A/N: Took me a little longer to write this one. But I'm happy with it.

Song: Girl Crush- Little Big Town


Louis steps out of the office and immediately gets to work. Harry is packed for the day, Louis moves a few things, he figures are not necessary for today, for the next day, calling and emailing the necessary people. As he hits send for the last email, Niall and the Hot Guy from the first day, walk up to him.

"Soooo tutus are pretty eh?" Niall snickers, Louis flushing.

"C'mon I'm trying okay?"

"From the new schedule I got, I don't think you are," Louis turns to the second man who is looking at his phone, frowning, blinking in surprise.

"Excuse me, what?" Alarmed he stands up, looking at both the men in front of him.

"Zayn's right mate, you moved the most important meeting for today for tomorrow. Harry's going to kill you if you don't fix it now. Show us his schedule, Zayn can help out."

"I don't want to, he brought this on himself."

"Oh c'mon, don't be an arse. He doesn't know how the meetings work yet. Help. Him."

Zayn looks at Louis, stares at him really, before looking at Niall, rolling his eyes and nodding, "fine, hand me the schedule."

Louis hands it over, watching him shit scared. Zayn looks it over, making a few changes and handing it back in less than five minutes.

"I've made some changes, take care of the emails though, as soon as possible. Next time ask someone."

"Thank you!"

It takes Louis another hour to fix the changes, and for the rest of the day, he checks with Liam before doing anything at all. As the evening rolls and Louis is getting ready to leave, he gets a call from Harry. Liam and he had left an hour ago for a meeting.

"Hello?" Louis asks, answering the call.

"Hello, Louis, where are you? Have you left office?"

"I was just heading out, packing up my stuff."

"Oh great, do me a favour, please. I forgot The Book in a hurry at my desk. Get it to my place? I'll text you the address."

"The Book? Okay, what does it look like?" Louis hears a sigh on the other end of the line.

"It's a mock-up of this month's issue. Looks just like the magazine, just a lot thicker with notes and everything in it." Harry says, his voice strained.

"Okay, text me the address, I'll be there soon."


Harry's place is not far from the office, it takes Louis 10 minutes to reach there. His building is fancy, all with a reception area and clerks and the whole show. Louis goes up to the reception, a man in his mid-30s probably, looks up at him and smiles,

"Can I help you?" he asks.

"Hey, yes, I am here for Harry Styles?"

"Okay, just enter your name in the visitor's book and then take one of the elevators to the top floor, his is the first door to your right as soon as you step out."

Louis fills in his name and heads towards the elevators. He presses the button to the 13th floor. Soon, he is standing in front of Harry's door, he rings the bell and looks around. There are only four doors on the floor, two on each side of the elevators. He hears a shuffling inside, and soon Harry is opening the door.

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