Chapter 19

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you have no idea how ashamed I am for being so inconsistent. I wish I could explain, but I can't. But I promised I'll finish this and I will. If you're still here, thank you so much.

Another thing, this story does not follow the real-life timeline, but it does have a lot of elements. I have a loose plot in my head, so I know what I am doing. 


When Louis opened Harry's door the following morning, he did not expect him to be in someone's company, let alone in Taylor Swift's company. He stands there for a second, blinking, willing himself to wake up from this dream. It HAS to be a dream, there is no way Harry knows, or is friends with Taylor Swift. It's Taylor Swift, and as gorgeous (get it?) as Harry is, she's STILL Taylor Swift.

But, he does not wake up from his dream, instead, Harry stops laughing (finally) when his eyes fall on Louis, and his already huge smile turns even bigger if that's possible.

"Louis!" He calls out, "hi, I didn't think you'll be in for a while longer! Tay, this is Louis, my new Liam!"

New who? I'm his new Liam? What the hell? "Uh, yeah, um, sorry," Louis stutters, "I'll come back-"

"Louis come on in, Tay was just leaving." Harry and Taylor get up and walk towards Louis.

"So, you'll think about it? Call me tonight, yeah?" Taylor says and then turns to Louis, "it was nice to meet you, Louis, I've heard a lot about you from Harry. I hope we get along!"

Taylor Swift wants to get to know me more? Shit, fuck, shit. "Nice to meet you too, big fan!" Shut up, you idiot.

Taylor smiles at him and hugs Harry goodbye. When she's gone, Louis shuts the door quietly and then, "WHY DID YOU NOT TELL ME YOU KNOW THE TAYLOR SWIFT?"

Harry opens his mouth to answer, but Louis beats him to it, "YOU COULD HAVE TOLD ME SHE'D BE HERE TODAY I WOULD HAVE PUT IN SOME EFFORTS IN DRESSING UP!"


"I feel so betrayed by you right now Harold, I didn't expect this from you." Louis sighs and sits on one of the chairs in the office.

"Lou-" But he's interrupted again by a knock on the door, and Niall's head peeking in.

"What the bloody hell are you shouting about?" he says coming in, looking strangely between both of them.

"I-" Harry starts again.

"Harry is apparently best friends with TAYLOR SWIFT but he didn't even bother mentioning it!" Louis huffs.

"Oh. um, okay, bye. Good luck Harry." Niall says, shutting the door behind him.



"Uh, Louis," he starts, "I did-"



"I'm you new Liam," Louis fake smiles, "might as well call me Liam."

"Louis, no. Sorry, that's not what I meant." Harry sits in the chair beside Louis and faces both the chairs so they are facing each other. "Look Taylor is an old friend, and I don't, would not have, liked calling you my assistant. I didn't like calling Liam that either, you two are friends."

Louis rolls his eyes, but fights a smile, "fine, but you're friends with Taylor Swift! What the hell!"

"Why is it such a big deal?"

"Oh nothing much, I'm just in LOVE with her," Louis throws up his hands in exasperation.

"Sorry what?"

"She's so good, her lyrics are the best, like, hello? How are you NOT in love with her?"

"Uhh," Harry blinks for a second, "um, yeah we're just friends. Um you know now, she's my friend. I did not know you're 'in love' with her."

"Yeah, okay, whatever, why was she here? Did she mean it, she wants to get to know me?!"

"Wow, who knew you're such a fangirl." Harry laughs, leaning back in his chair, smiling softly, "she wanted to ask me something. Also, inside scoop, keep it between us, she has a new album ready, totally low-key, and she's choosing our magazine to break the news, with an exclusive interview."

"Holy shit."




"Can I interview her?"



"Louis, I," Harry looks away, gets up and walks to his chair, easing himself into it, "I'm sorry, Lou, I can't do that." He looks up, just as Louis' smile fades away," I understand you love her, but Lou, you don't have the experience yet. You can definitely accompany whoever does interview her. In fact, in your position, you'll probably be needed in the whole process and work more closely with her than anyone else."

"Harry, I understand, of course, I can't. I'm sorry. I got carried away," he tries to smile, but it's small.

"Thank you."

"Um, anyway, I was just here to report back and thank you for being so generous with everything."

"Of course, whatever you need."

"Thanks, um so, I'll go catch up then." He starts to get up.

"Louis, I wanted to talk to you, if it's alright?"

"Yeah, of course." He sits back.

"Okay, Lottie talked to me, when we were in Doncaster."

"She did? About what?"

"You. Us."

Louis just gives him a confused look, so Harry continues, "look, I know you have got a lot of responsibilities right now, and this is not the right time to think about anything else but your family, and your healing. I'm not trying to persuade you into anything here, I just," he sighs. Gets up and moves to sit with Louis again. "I just hope, and beg you, to not push me away. I don't need anything from you here, just let me be there for you."


"Lou, I don't want to make this about me, but, fuck Lou, you even got Zayn to help you. That hurt."

"I'm sorry," Louis starts, "Harry, you are right, I'm sorry about that. But, I can't think about you-"

"Louis! I don't want you to. I'm just asking you to let me be your friend. Nothing more, nothing else."

"Okay, yeah. I understand. I'm sorry."

"Okay, well, that's all."

"Okay. I'll go, catch up-" they both get up.

"Yeah," Harry says, Louis, turning to the door, " hey Lou?"

"Yeah, Ha-" before he can complete, Harry has crushed him into a hug, it takes him a few seconds to figure out, but then he just sags.

"I'm very, very sorry," Harry whispers. 

thank you for reading. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2021 ⏰

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