Chapter 16

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Hi! Happy August. Taylor did NOT lie when she said "August slipped away into a moment in time". So, here is next part of this story, which I JUST wrote. Because, I HAD to.

Just a little bit of your heart- Ariana Grande
Quit Playing Games With My Heart- Backstreet Boys
Don't Wanna- HAIM
Right Now- One Direction
Sour Diesel- Zayn
Beethoven- Kenndog ( I am so obsessed with this)



The following morning was a little free for Harry and Louis because he always likes to have time for himself before important events. When he got up and went into the sitting lunge, Louis was finishing his breakfast.

He looked up as Harry walked in, "Morning, I ordered us some breakfast. Do you need anything else?"

There was some toast and cereal, a variety of drinks.

"This is fine. Thanks," Harry sat across Louis and served himself some coffee. "Do you have plans for today?"

"Not really. Thought you might want to go over some work."

"Nope. Want to around? Visit museums and galleries?" Louis looked a little hesitant still, "we could take Lottie too?"

Louis' face hardened before nodding, "sure. I'll ask her." With that he went back to his room, leaving Harry alone. Again.


Louis knocks on Lottie's door, jumping on his feet. He waits for a few moments, before he knocks again, which soon turns into banging, till a very sleepy and very furious Lottie opens the door. Louis pushes past her, "Why are you trying to break my door, Louis?"

"I need you to make sure, Harry knows about your boyfriend."

"Seriously? You woke me up for that? You could have told me that later," Lottie whined, burying herself in bed again. Louis pulled her up in a sitting position.

"Yeah, no. The three of us are going out. In half an hour, get ready." He plopped himself on the sofa and started scrolling through his phone, "also, what's your boyfriend's name again?"



Harry knocks on Lottie's door, which Louis answers. "Hey come on in, Lottie is in there," he points towards a door which Harry assumes is the en suite, "getting ready, for the PAST ONE HOUR!"

"I'll be right there Lou shut up!" comes a muffled voice from the other side of the door. Lottie comes out a minute later, in her pyjamas. "So, where are you boys headed?"

"What the hell Lottie? You were supposed to be getting ready!" Louis said, grinding his teeth.

"Yeahhhh, I have a date. Sort of. Not wasting my time with you two. Now out of here," she pulled Louis off her bed and pushed him and Harry out of the door, slamming it in their faces with a, "have a nice day! Don't do something I wouldn't!"



"I'm sorry about Lottie ruining your plans," Louis finally said after they had been aimlessly roaming around for half an hour. "She's difficult like that."

"It's alright, next time maybe," Harry shrugs. "Have you been here before?"

"To Paris? Nah. We never had enough for holidays, and when we did, with a family of seven it was impossible to go anywhere far."

"Hmm, let me take you around then," Harry clasped his hand around Louis' elbow and turned them in the opposite direction.


Harry showed Louis every favourite cafe he had, every bookstore he spent hours in. Right now they were roaming the aisles of the Historical Library of Paris, Harry kept telling Louis about his favourite eras and the paintings of the times.

"That is enchanting Styles, but I'm hungry now. Can we go eat something? You've just shown me about a thousand favourite cafes, one of them must serve actual food too right?" Louis elbowed a crimson Harry.

"Yeah, c'mon I pulled a few strings and got us a table at an amazing place that has the most gorgeous view ever!"

"What? Did you get us a table at the top of the Eiffel tower or something?" Louis chuckled, looking at Harry when he did not get an answer, only to find him an even deeper shade of red. "Are you kidding me? Harry! That costs a fortune! You should take Lottie with you!"

"Why would I take Lottie?" Harry looked confused.

"...because you take your crush to the Eiffel tower? Not her brother?" Louis turned away mumbling, "c'mon I'll call Lottie to get ready."

"Louis! I don't have a crush on Lottie!" he rushed over beside Louis, who was hurrying into a cafe and in the queue.

He stopped, looking up from his phone at Harry, "you don't?" He kept moving up to the counter.

"No! Why would you think that?" Harry whispered screamed, stepping a little closer to Louis.

"Well, it's Lottie this and Lottie that since yesterday, you even invited her up here," he shrugged.

"For you!" Harry finally burst, Louis' eyes widening.

"Me? How is that for me?! I didn't even know she knew you!" They were now at the counter but were too busy in their conversation to notice.

"Louis are you really that dumb?" Louis' phone started ringing, Lottie's name flashing on the screen. At that moment, someone behind them tried making their way around Louis, pushing him a little. Harry caught him by the shoulders, sending a glare at the person, "do you not see it?"

"See what?" he silenced his phone but it started ringing again.

"Oh for fucks sake, Louis, I invited Lottie over to surprise you. You have been so stressed lately because of Jay," Louis opened his mouth, "no do not deny that!" Louis closed his mouth, "Niall and Liam are worried sick about you, Zayn asked me about it! I thought it would help to have her around!"

"Okay but-" his phone started up again.

"I invited her today because I can not function around you! Not without a buffer! Louis, I don't have a crush on Lottie, I have a crush on you!" Harry hissed, both their phones ringing now.

Louis kept looking at Harry till the ringing stopped. Blinking a few times, "oh. Har-" his phone starting up again, he answered it with a harsh, "what is it?"

His expression quickly changed from anger to concern, "Lots are you crying? What's wrong? Are you okay?" he looked at Harry helplessly, but he was busy on his own phone, white as a ghost.

"Lou, it's mum-" Lottie kept sobbing, "come back right now please."

"Louis," Harry said softly, "c'mon I'll get us a cab," he took the phone from Louis' hand. "Hey Lottie, I'll get him to the airport, can you get our bags? I'll call Amelia to help."


Sorry? I had to do something....

Thank you for reading!

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