Chapter 3

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A/N: So, I was debating about Harry's POV and finally made up my mind when I woke up at 2 a.m. with ideas for it.

Song: National Anthem- Lana Del Ray.



"Zaynnnnn! Hurry up!!!" Harry calls out from the kitchen table, "Liam texted me 20 mins back!"

"Geez Styles let me have my man for a bit before you drag him away please," comes a voice from behind the closed bedroom door.

"Sorry G, we have a prank to play. Any other day and I wouldn't even be here."

The bedroom door opens and Zayn stumbles out, half asleep but fully dressed. Harry silently thanks the Gods that Gigi, despite her complains, makes sure Zayn always looks stunning. Especially today.

"Alright big guy, let's go," Zayn mumbles, grabbing an apple from the kitchen counter.


"So did you read the articles I sent?" Harry asks once they are seated in the car, Zayn fiddling with his phone.

"Yeah, they're good. The boy can write alright. Amazing flair, amazing vocabulary, writing style not too complex." He settles down finally, playing ah-ha softly as their car makes way down the busy roads.

"I know right! Exactly what we need, don't you think? Just hope the prank doesn't drive him away," Harry says, a little absent-minded. "Niall did say he's a good sport and all, y'know?"

"Mmmhmm. We'll see soon enough. Tell me again, why am I being dragged down though. I won't even talk to him till he settles down and everything."

"Well, Niall says I'm too kind to the staff, and my entrance needs to look like people are scared of me, which they aren't. So you move right in front of me, people are afraid of you for some reason, and that creates the illusion or something."

"Illusion or something. Smart words Harry."

"Just walk in front of me, brooding like you always do."

"I don't brood."

"Sure Jan."


Before stepping into the elevators, Harry gives Liam a call to meet them in the lobby. When they reach the lobby, Liam is already waiting for them.

"Harry! Oh my God, he is adorable but feisty. This is going to be so much fun." He rambles on excitedly.

"Calm down Payno, what are we supposed to do, let's get a move on. Zayn here has to get back to bed." Harry chides.

"Right okay, so Zayn you go ahead, walk slow maybe, Harry you will be right behind him. Do. Not. Stop. to talk to anyone. Oh and Harry, please put on your shades. Don't want your eyes to betray us."

With that Liam enters the office, making a beeline for Harry's office.

For most of the "walk", Harry's view is obstructed by Zayn. But as soon as turns and heads into his office, he comes into view.

Harry eyes him up. The short, slim man looking back at him, staring really. Harry sure is glad he has his shades on, saves him the embarrassment of staring at this... this vision.

And just like that Harry is right in front of him, looking down at him, he just can't believe he is supposed to work efficiently around this stunning person.

He takes his time going over every feature on his face, the sharp jawline that has a hint of stubble, the cheekbones being their only competition. His eyes, they look like they are light.

He clenches his jaw when Liam pulls him aside, to make for Harry. He could bury Liam right there, but instead, he just turns towards the door and heads in, beckoning Liam to follow him.


"I'm not pranking him." Harry says as soon as Liam is inside and the door is shut, "call Niall right now and tell him, I'm not pranking him."

"Wh-what?! Why?! Come on Harry! Don't ruin it! Please?" Liam cries.

"No, I can't. Just can't."

"Why not? It'll be fun! We won't take it too far! Come on please!"

"No," shaking his head, he sneaks a glance at Louis, "no, it will be tough for him anyway, let's not prank him yet. There'll be more time for different pranks! Just let this go."

"No, I don't think I will. I'm calling up Niall, he'll knock some sense into you." Liam says, taking out his phone.


After having a long talk with Niall and Harry refusing to budge, Liam gives up and send Louis in.

Harry pretends he hasn't noticed his presence yet, till Louis impatiently clears his throat, till he finally looks up.

So he has blue eyes. They're even more pretty in the light, he is more pretty. Well, better get with it.

"So, you're Louis, Niall's friend," Harry says, tongue-tied.

"Um, yes. Hi, nice to meet you."

"Why are you here in sweats, Louis Tomlinson?"

"Uh, I was headed to Niall's when he told me to come over"

"And you didn't have a change of clothes in with you?"

"A change of clothes? Blimey! people do that?" Louis murmurs.

"Yes, people do that," Harry says trying to fight a smile, "Anyway, Niall told me why you're wearing what you're wearing, and your lack of preparation, so I'm just going to ask some questions and then we'll see from there."


"Liam, go get him. I panicked, couldn't go on. Tell him whatever you have to." Harry sighs into the phone.

"Okay, yeah calm down. Niall will handle it if he's gone."

"I called Niall, he'll text us where Louis is."

"Yeah, just got the message. He's at Starbucks. I'll go fetch him, I was on my way out anyway."

With a final sigh, Harry cuts the call and looks out the window of his office, hoping working with Louis wouldn't be as difficult as today.


A/N: Thank you for reading.

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