Chapter 10

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Song for the chapter: Careless Whisper- George Michael


"Hey, Louis! Wait up!" Came a shout behind Louis, halting he turned around to see Noelle running up to him.

"Hey! Noelle! Morning," he nodded at Niall and Harry to go ahead.

"My my, Mr Tomlinson! I just love those!" She said as she reached Louis, running a hand over the suspenders.

"Gee, thanks," bashfully nodding towards Harry's back, "Harry helped me out today."

With wide eyes, she looked between the two, "oh! I didn't know you two were.... together."

Louis' eyes widened, stuttering, "oh no! We're not! No, no, no, no. Um just crashed at his place last night, was totally out of it. Ha! Us, together. Right. No!"

"I am so sorry! I should not have assumed!"

The two of them walked to the elevators in awkward silence. When it got a little too much for Louis, he chanced a glance at his companion.

"So that writer's thing you were talking about? It's today?"

"Yeah! Right, I wanted to ask you about that! Are you in?"

"Yeah! Definitely! Is there a dress code or something? Or will this," he dragged his hand over his outfit, "do?"

"Oh, no! It's nothing formal! Yeah! This would definitely do! We could head out together? After work? Meet you in the hall at 5-ish?"

"Yeah, sounds good. See ya!"



"Nialllllllll!" Harry sing-songed, walking into Niall's cabin, making him look up, squinting at his friend.

"What now?"

"You have a writer's thing today."


"Taking anyone with you?"

"Elle was supposed to come along, but she invited someone."

"Yeah! Louis, she invited Louis," Niall raised one eyebrow, "he told me."

"I see. So?"

"Soooo take me along?"

"Why do you want to come?" Niall snorted, getting back to his work.

"No reason," Harry said, voice dripping with innocence.

"Well, then I don't see a reason to take you along."



"Fine. I might want to maybe, probably, mildly, sort of, just a bit, keep an eye on Elle and Lou."

"Cool, see you at 5."


"Shall we?" Louis spoke, making Noelle turn. He took in her appearance, "I thought the clothes were fine?"

"Yours are! Not mine. Got to impress, don't I? Not everyone can do it like you," she winked at him.

"You look nice," he offered a smile, pressing the call button for the elevator.

"Hey! Lou! You guys headed to Nick's?" Niall shouted from a distance, Harry and him making their way towards them.

"This thing is at Nick's?" Louis asked, Noelle nodding, "yeah. Why?"

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