Chapter 7

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A/N: Song for the chapter: Mouse in My Brain- Briston Maroney But Different.

(My friends tell me its weird, but I love it so *shrug*)


Louis is talking to Lottie when Nick and Harry come out of the office, talking. Nick stops by Louis' side, Harry looking at them curiously.

"I'll call you back later," he says, ending the call, turning to Nick with a huge smile, "Nicky! It's so good to see you after so long! How have you been?!"

"Been good, been around. Came here discussing some business, imagine my surprise seeing you here. Niall didn't tell me you work here too!"

"I just started, has hardly been a month-"

"I'm sorry, Louis we should head to the meeting now. Have you got all the copies of designs from Niall?" Harry interrupts.

"Yes, I have them here. Listen, Nick, let's catch up soon yeah? How about Saturday?" Louis says eagerly, gathering all the papers and making his way around the table.

"Sure mate, just give me a call and we'll make a plan! I'll see you around," he gives Louis a quick side hug and nodding towards Harry, leaves. The other two make their way towards the conference room.

"So, how do you know Nick?" Harry comments.

"Yeah, he's the one I told you about, the one who helped me with the decision to change to journalism?" Harry nods.

"Seems like you guys became good friends."

"Yeah, something like that," Harry raises his eyebrow, asking him to continue. "He, uh, sort of asked me out back then. And I, well, had my hands full with the course and my ex, so" Louis trails off, shrugging.

"I see. Well, let's get on with the meeting."


As soon as Louis steps out of the building, he spots his sister waiting for him. He quickly walks towards her, giving her a quick hug.

"Wow on time Lottie! Not bad!" He teases, getting a shove.

"I just wanted to see for myself if you really are working here. I'm still not convinced. There are tons of offices here," she squints up at him.

Rolling his eyes, he looks around hoping to catch someone from his office. He sees Zayn coming out of one of the many shops, heading towards them. Louis considers calling him over but decides against it. But Lottie seems to have a different plan.

"Zayn!" She shouts, hurrying over to him, Louis left with no choice but to follow. Zayn looks up and breaks into a smile.

"Charlotte! Hey! What are you doing here?"

"Here to meet up with my brother," she says, flicking her head towards Louis.

"Oh I didn't know, Louis is your brother, would have been a little warmer to him," Zayn comments, eyeing the person in question.

"Oh my God, so he really does work here?!" Zayn snorts, good thing we ran into you, would not believe him otherwise. Anyway, G good?"

"Yup, amazing as always. Busy with work and everything."

"She's on your cover next right?"

"You know I can't tell you," he laughs out, "but do expect to get a business call from this one here soon," winking as he makes his way inside the building.

"Want to fill me in brother?"

"I don't even know what that was about. Let's go to eat? I'm starving."

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