Chapter 13

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Update because my friend finished reading it-
Songs for the chapter-
Kun Faya Kun- A. R. Rahman
Tune Kaha- Prateek Kuhad
Kasoor- Prateek Kuhad
Unsung Songs- Ages and Ages
The day was cloudy in Doncaster when Louis stepped out on the station. The ride wasn't too long, but Louis couldn't wait for it to end, worrying thoughts filled his head ever since the call from his sister.

He made his way towards the exit, eyes searching for his family. He quickly spotted Lottie leaning against the family car and made his way towards her.
"Hey Boo," she said, giving him a tight hug, "so, Fizzy is with mum, Phoebe and Daisy are with the other two at home and Dan at work. Where do you want to head first?"

"To mum," he moved towards the back to put his bag there.

Once in the car, he shot off a message to his friends. Niall had added him to a group chat last week.

"So, can you tell me what's wrong with mum now?" Louis looked over to his sister.

"She relapsed," his head shot up, "her treatment has not been getting us any results. She seems to be getting worse."

"When did it happen?"

"A while back."

"And why do I know about this now?!"

"You've got other things to worry about, Lou."

"She's my mother! Other things can wait!" He yelled, making Lottie jump.

"She asked us not to tell you, the initial weeks were fine! She didn’t want you to worry!”

“How can I not worry?! Lottie! Do you hear yourself?!”

"Lou," Lottie sighed, "look, I know it's not the best way that we went by, but it's done now. She's here, you're here. Are you going to stay mad? Instead of-" letting out another sigh, "I'm sorry, okay?"


It's been two days since Louis went home. Also, two days since, Harry can not focus anywhere for longer than five minutes without thinking about him.

Louis has sort of disappeared from the face of the earth, Niall says Harry is being dramatic. Maybe he is. But, he'd just like some update about his whereabouts and health and all.

He is brought out of these thoughts by his phone ringing.

"You going to answer that, mate?" He looks up at Zayn's amused expression, before answering it. His lips pulling into a smile involuntarily.

"Hey, Lou! How are you? I was just thinking about you."

"Hey, um sorry, been," Harry frowns at the long sigh that comes through the speaker before Louis continues, "busy? Been out of it. Um, just, look, I know it's been two days and I just joined and it would be horrible of me to ask this, but, can, I take the week off? I'll explain everything when I get back. I just need to spend some time here," the last part coming out in a whisper.

"Of course. Whatever you need. Just take care? Is there anything I can do?"

"No, not unless you know how to stop time, you can't"

"Oookay. Um, just call me if you need help with anything."

"Thanks, Harry."

Louis was going through the messages on his phone, sitting with his legs cramped onto the couch. He had been here for two days and had yet to meet his mother. Fizzy and Dan were the people making their rounds to and from the hospital since they lived here and were up to date with the conditions.

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