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Louis was shocked, confused and just lost in the same time. All he intended to do was to give his boyfriend a surprise by coming there and teasing Harry while he was working. But it turned out to backfire and Louis was just surprised. When he found himself not being able to see the road because his tears were blocking his view, he stopped his walk and he sat on the pavement because he could no longer stand.

Everything happened so fast and he couldn't understand this at all. Two days ago, Harry forced him to do something he didn't like, the next day he and Harry did something that made Louis feel a little bit open and now this? Without minding people's stares, Louis curled up into a ball and he cried, he did it so hard because he felt like he couldn't take this any longer.

Tears fell from his eyes to his cheeks but Louis didn't bother himself to wipe those tears. His scary thoughts consumed his mind again as he cried. Was Harry bored of him? Was it because he wanted to go slow? Was it because the thing they did yesterday wasn't good enough? Would Harry leave him and let his heart broken?

Louis started to choke with his own saliva since he was crying so hard even though there was no sound created by his mouth. Louis coughed, his body trembled slightly. He never felt this way and he felt like it was driving him crazy. But a tap on his shoulder took him back to sanity.

Louis at first didn't respond, but the next tap on his shoulder finally made him lift his head. While cursing himself for expecting for Harry who did it, Louis turned his head and looked up to the person who tapped his shoulder, but he failed recognizing the person since his sight was blurry and watery.

"Louis?" the person asked and Louis' heart dropped. It wasn't Harry's voice and Louis felt like he was crying even harder than before. The person seemed to be shocked and the person immediately squatted. The person brought the hand of the person's close to Louis' eyes and the person wiped Louis' tears.

Louis didn't expect the person to wipe his tears so he backed off a little bit but then he felt the person's other hand on his back, rubbing it slightly to soothe Louis. "What happened, Louis? Are you okay?"

Louis blink a couple of times to get the better view of the person since his tears no longer fell from his eyes and when he already got a clear sight, he found someone he knew was squatting and trying to soothe him. "Matt?"

"Yes, it's me, Matt," the person replied before he took Louis to stand up as he also stood up. Once they both had stood up, Matt reasked his question. "What happened, Louis?"

Louis was about to cry again but he didn't want to. He tried to hold his tears while replying, "I'm fine, I'm okay."

"But you don't sound like you're okay," Matt said, face looking concerned. "Do you use car or anything to come here?"

Louis shook his head as the response.

"Come here, I can drive you home," Matt offered and Louis wasn't in mood to say 'no' and walk all the way to his frat house because it's pretty far.

Matt guided him to where he parked his car. Once they were there, Matt unlocked the car and opened the door for Louis and he let Louis in. When Louis was in, Matt walked to the driver's seat and he entered the car. After he closed the car door, he started the engine and drove the car.

At first, the trip was so awkward. The only sound in the car was the sound of Louis sniffling. Louis looked out at the window, feeling like his head started to hurt. Louis coughed slightly before he heard Matt asking, "Louis, do you want to talk about it?"

Louis didn't reply, he answered the question with his sniffle. Matt sighed before he turned his head to look over the poor boy. "Where's your house, Louis? I don't know your address."

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