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"Hey, Kaylie. Same as usual, please," Harry said while taking his wallet and taking out his money from his wallet then he put it on the chasier table.

"Oh, hey there, Harry," Kaylie greeted, smiling at Harry. She fixed her tied long brunette hair while saying, "Nice to see you. It's been a long time."

"I come here everyday, Kay," Harry replied, chuckling and Kaylie smiled. Kaylie took the money Harry put on the table and typed something on the cashier machine then she made Harry's favorite drink Harry always drank here. Harry always drank the same drink when he came to Starbucks but he never got bored of it because that drink was kind of special.

That drink was Louis' recommendation when they were on their first date. At first, Harry was clueless about what should he drink because he was never interested in Starbucks and he never drank it. But then Louis brought him to this place and Harry just couldn't say no to it. Louis then picked a drink from the menu and told Harry to drink it. Turns out it wasn't that bad. In fact, it tastes so good.

There was Starbucks in front of Harry's apartment. At first, Harry never went into that shop, not even once before he had his first date with Louis. But then because of his first date, he realized how lucky he was to have Starbucks in front of his apartment building. Because of that too, he got to meet a nice and kind friend like Kaylie.

Kaylie was beautiful, if Harry was straight, he'd take Kaylie out. She had this long brunette hair that was straight and beautiful and her eyes were blue, like ocean. Sometimes Harry thought that Louis and Kaylie had some similiarity. They almost looked alike. Almost. The difference is, Louis was just more beautiful than her. Louis was more beautiful than every girls in this world.

"There you go, your favorite." Kaylie woke Harry up from his imagination, giving Harry the drink Harry orderred and there was 'Harry T.' written in the cup. "You know, my last name starts with S. It's Styles."

"Oh sorry, I thought you were Mr. Tomlinson," Kaylie said, shrugging. "Thought you were married."

Harry blushed slightly. "What-wait, since when you know I'm dating Louis?"

"Since your husband came here yesterday and told me to not be too close to you because he's jealous," she explained and Harry's eyes widened.

"He did that?"

"Yeah." Kaylie nodded. "He even showed his ring on his finger. He said you guys are married."

Harry frowned, trying to remember that day. The day where they were so bored and looking something dumb to do. Then they just did it. They went and bought a couple rings. They exchanged their rings on the park with no one around, sunset as the background and love filled the air. It was just sick.

"Hey, Harry?" Kaylie asked, looking worried. "Are you okay?"

"Oh, yeah, of course," Harry said, smiling at her. "I need to go now. Work is waiting. Bye, Kay."

"Okay. Good luck."

Harry smiled again then he walked out from Starbucks. Then he crossed the street when the traffi light for walking people turned green. He ran a little while bringing his Starbucks. Today was Monday and he had a job which was singing at a cafe near his apartment. Harry totally loved singing. Singing is his passion.

He once sang for Louis and it was Kiss Me by Ed Sheraan and turns out Louis liked his voice. Harry's voice sounded like angel and when he sang, it just touched people's heart. And Harry was happy because people actually like his voice.

Harry then walked inside the apartment building, walking towards the lift. When the lift reached the ground floor and some people went outside the lift, Harry went inside with an old man he nevet saw before.

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