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"Louis," Harry whispered, his face looking so sad as if he just did something wrong. Louis frowned when he saw Harry like this. Harry was usually cheerful, what happened to him?

"Yeah, Harry?" Louis replied, looking confused. "Are you okay, Harry? You look like you just broke somehing."

"No, I didn't break anything," Harry said clearly. "But soon I will."

Louis' eyes widened. He was scared right now. Harry acted so weird and he felt so afraid until he could vomit in anytime. "Harry? You're scaring me. What do you mean by you will break something?"

"I'm sorry," Harry whispered, choosing not to answer the question. Harry felt so guilty for what he would do but he knew it was for the best. Harry took a deep breath before exhaling and saying, "Louis, I think this isn't working at all. It won't work at all."

Louis frowned at the sentence. "What do you mean by that? What do you mean about this not going to work? What's this all about?"

"I've been thinking about all these," Harry said, motioning the two of them with his hands. "About us. The two of us. This relationship."


"We're not going to make it, Louis," Harry cut. "We're stuck in the middle of nowhere. We can't go on even if we want to."

"Harry, are you-"

"Please, Louis. Let me finish," Harry cut again, expression looking so serious. "I love you, I really do. But whenever I want to be closer with you, whenever I want to grow this love to be deeper and it's ever been, you always refuse it. You always push me away. As if I'm not your boyfriend. As if you're creating a barrier between us.

"We're lovers. We share everything. I know it's normal for us to have a secret or two that we keep only for us to know. But you, you make yourself as a secret for me. All I want is to love you more. I know you're not ready, but when will you be ready? I mean, I know you're a virgin. If you have no intention of losing it until marriage, it's okay. I can wait. But you don't give me a freakin' reason why you never let me to love you even more.

"I think we should finish this all before one of us gets hurt because of each other. I don't want to hurt you, force you or anything, Lou. I really love you, I really do. But this relationship isn't going anywhere," Harry explained, making Louis freeze at every word Harry said.

His eyes started to water when he heard the last line. He had no power to say anything, his lips were trembling. All he wanted to do was cry, but he couldn't. He couldn't show his weakness to Harry. He couldn't be this weak. "Harry, are you breaking up with me?"

Harry closed his eyes, trying to escape from the reality but he couldn't. He had to do this. Harry opened his eyes before nodding slightly, "Yes, I'm breaking up with you."

"No!" Louis screamed in sudden as he immediately changed his position from sleeping position to sitting position. He was panting violently, his heart was beating so fast and he was sweaty all over.

Louis felt like he just fell into a cliff, he could feel how nervous he was, even though it was only a dream. Louis sighed in releaved when he found out it was only a dream, but he still felt like it was real. He hated it, it was the worst dream he ever had even though it was only about Harry breaking up with him and he didn't want it.

He frowned, feeling like he was being too scared of losing Harry and he was exaggerating things. "Shit," Louis whispered to himself, wiping his teary eyes with his both hands before sighing loudly.

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