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The taxi stopped near a small cafe when Louis told the driver to pull over. After Louis gave the money to the driver and said 'thanks', Louis hopped out from the car, walking towards a building that looked classic yet classy. Louis smiled when he finally reached the main door and then he entered the building. As soon as Louis entered, someone greeted him.


Louis then turned his head to where the voice came from then he found a guy with red and black shirt, black jeans and converse. His hair was dark brown and it was quiff styled. Louis smiled at the guy as he greeted back, "Hi, Matt."

"Here for your boyfriend?" Matt asked, smiling slightly.

Louis nodded while saying, "Yeah, pretty much."

"But he's not here yet," Matt said, making Louis' smile fade. Louis then looked at the clock on the wall, sighing when he realized that he came there too soon.

"Eh, I'm too early," Louis stated, shrugging at Matt.

"Well," Matt replied, coughing slightly once before continuing, "Gentleman should be here earlier than he promises."

"But I'm also a man," Louis commented, frowning. Matt stayed quiet for a while before he chuckled slowly.

"Oops, I forgot," Matt said after he finished chuckling. Then he walked inside while saying, "Let me show you your table."

Louis then followed Matt behind him. Matt showed Louis the way then after a few steps more after the reached inside, Matt stopped next to a table near the place where Harry usually did his work, with candles and flowers on the table and tidied plates, spoons and forks. Louis then frowned when he found out that the table was different than the others.

"It's not my birthday," Louis commented in a low voice and he actually whispered it but Matt heard it, even though he barely could.

"Well, Harry told me to give you a special table," Matt replied. "Maybe he wanted to ask you to marry him."

Louis frozed when Matt said the word 'marry'. "I'm still learning in university."

"Hey, I said maybe," Matt reminded.

When Louis was about to say something, someone shouted his name. "Louis!"

Louis and Matt both turned his head to where the voice came from. Then they both saw a guy who ran with his long curly hair bouncing cutely also with a wide smile. He was waving at Louis when he ran, not bothering himself that there was another person standing next to Louis.

"Hey, Lou," Harry greeted when he finally stood in front of Louis. "You're here early. Fuck, I'm sorry for being late. I should be the one who's early."

"It's fine," Louis replied, smiling. "It's not like I'm a girl anyway. Waiting doesn't hurt me too."

Harry smiled before hugging his smaller boyfriend, lifting Louis a bit so he could get a better hug and Louis gasped because of that. Louis tightened his grip when Harry lifted his body but he ended up giggling. When Harry finally put Louis down, they still hugged, and Louis put his chin on Harry's shoulder.

Louis sniffed his boyfriend and turns out Harry was using Louis' favorite cologne Harry had. Then they finally released each other. Louis' eyes met Harry's then his eyes started to look at Harry from his hair to his toe. And suddenly Louis looked unhappy. "What's with your clothes?"

"What?" Harry asked, looking down to his really tight and see-through white shirt and his black jeans.

"It's see through," Louis said, walking closer then he put his hand on Harry's chest where there was his tattoos. "I can see your shape of your body. I can see your tattoos too."

"Yeah?" Harry asked, smiling widely.

Louis nodded. "It's mine. You're mine. Nobody can see your body unless it's me." Louis moved his hand to Harry's stomach where Harry's butterfly tattoo was. "All mine."

Harry chuckled slightly before someone near them suddenly coughed. Louis immediately took away his hand from Harry's stomach and they both gave their attention to whoever who coughed and turns out he was Matt, the person who still stood near him awkwardly. "Seems like I'm forgotten here."

"Oh, shit, Mat-no, I mean, boss," Harry said, panicked when he found out that his boss was standing next to Harry and Louis and seeing that scene.

"Oops, I forgot," Louis said and Matt lifted one of his eyebrow.

"Is that a payback?" Matt asked.

"I don't know, does that feel like a bitch to you?" Louis asked sassily as he smiled smugly and lifting both of his eyebrows twice.

"Hey, Lou," Harry whispered to Louis but his whisper was loud enough to be heard by Matt. "He's my boss. Can you not sass him? My job is at risk."

"So you're choosing your job than me?" Louis asked, jealousy was on his face. He then crossed his arms in front of his chest, pouting.

"No, not like that," Harry replied quietly before he put his hands on Louis' cheeks and pinching it slightly. "Come on, don't pout like that. You make me want to push you to the table an-"

"Woah, woah, holy shit!" Matt cut, looking disgusted as hell. "I'm okay with you guys being gay or whatever but still, I'm into girls."

"Yeah, right, says the one who fucked a guy customer last month," Louis replied, rolling his eyes.

"It was an accident, I swear!" Matt denied it quickly.

"Bet his number is still on your phone," Louis said, smiling smugly again.

Matt's face turned red as he didn't have anything to say anymore. Seems like he was still keeping the boy's number and he just couldn't deny it. Matt then shook his head slightly before moving his stare to Harry. "Hey, get your ass to work. I'm going to my room for a while."

With that, Matt walked away to his own room then Harry and Louis just stood there, staring at each other before chuckling together at Harry's boss' reaction. "He's so gay."

"I know."

Then Harry finally pulled a seat and told him Louis to sit there. Louis happily accepted Harry's offer, smiling when he finally sat on the seat. Then Harry finally walked to the stage in front of the tables. Some people were already there to listen Harry and some of them just came in. Harry sat on a black seat that was already prepared there and finally he took an acoustic guitar and put the microphone right in front of his lips.

"Hey guys, it's been a while," Harry started and Louis couldn't hold his smile that went wider than before. "It's me Harry and as you can see I'm gonna start singing because it's my job here, so yeah, here we go. Before we start, I want to dedicate this song to the one and only Louis Tomlinson and this is Remembering Sunday."

Harry started to settle his fingers to where it belonged and when the guitar played and Harry sang, Louis felt like he was the luckiest to be able to have Harry for his own.


A/N: i'm sorry this is short and this took so long to be published i'm sorry too that it's actually a filler. Lately, school is even busier than being a fangirl so it's so hard to get the time to continue but i swear i won't discontinue this.

Don't forget to vote and comment! Love you all babes x

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