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10 years later

"Angel Louisa Styles, get your ass to the kitchen and eat your breakfast right now," Louis called his six years old daughter while cleaning the kitchen. It wasn't really supposed to be that dirty but it was Louis who was cooking and everyone knows Louis wasn't that good when it comes to cooking but at least he can cook simple food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. "Come on, you have school! Don't be lazy or monsters will come from under your bed at night!"

A scream was heard from Louis' daughter's room and Louis saw his daughter running towards the kitchen with blue shirt and jeans. She ran towards Louis before hugging Louis' legs tightly, making Louis almost fall because of the sudden action. "Save me, daddy. Zombie!"

Not long after that, a guy who looked two or three inches taller than Louis came in. The guy had a long hair until his chest. He had his hair covering his face so it looked creepy for Angel. The way the guy walked looked creepy too, he walked like a zombie with both his arms on the air. He approached Louis and Angel, making the little kid screamed while giggling because he knew it wasn't a real zombie.

"I am hungry and I want fresh meat," the guy said, voice sounded like a real zombie in television. Angel screamed again and she hid her little body behind Louis' legs, hiding.

"Watch out, daddy. He will eat you!" Angel warned, screaming.

The guy walked closer and closer until he was one step away from Louis. Louis chuckled, shaking his head slightly before he reached out his hand to move the guy's long hair from his face. The guy smiled when he could saw Louis clearly as he moved his head closer towards Louis' head.

"Daddy, watch out!" Angel screamed, half-giggling.

The guy attached his lips on Louis' lips for a second before smiling and saying, "Good morning, princess."

"Good morning, Harry," Louis replied, smiling.

Harry's arm reached Louis' waist and he pulled Louis closer, body pressed to each other before kissing Louis again, this time much longer. Their lips molded with each other as Harry sucked Louis' bottom lip slightly. But then Louis remembered that his-their daughter was still there so he broke the kiss. "Keep it to parental guidance, will you? We have underage kid over here."

Harry saw Angel who already let Louis' legs go. She giggled cutely before saying, "Kissy, kissy. Want some too!"

Harry then went to his knees as he kissed his daughter on the lips since Angel already pushed her lips and ready to be kissed. Angel smiled before Harry took Angel on his arm and carried her. She giggled again then she looked at Louis, pushing her lips again. Louis smiled at the cuteness as he kissed Angel's lips.

"Now, there you have it," Louis said, smiling. "Now eat your breakfast because we're going to be late soon, you know."

"What breakfast?" Angel asked, looking excited to eat breakfast. Harry put Angel down from his arms and Angel walked cutely towards the seat.

"That breakfast," Louis replied, pointing on the dining table.

Angel giggled once he saw the plate, seeing two eggs and a bacon that's put like a smiling face. The eggs didn't shape like an eye but Angel didn't care. "Daddy cook good!"

"And daddy tastes good too!" Harry added while chuckling. Louis' cheeks turned slightly red as he stomped Harry's feet. Harry shrieked when he felt like his feet being stomped by Louis.

"Louis, that hurts!"

"That's what you get for saying something like that in front of an underage kid," Louis replied. "Our kid."

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