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"Lou," Harry whispered to his ear, sending chills to Louis' spine when his hot breath touched Louis' skin. Louis stayed quiet, he just sat on the bed, body all frozen because he had no idea what to do. Harry then moved from the bed, standing on his feet before he put his knees on the floor, kneeling in front of Louis.

"Harry, what are you doing?" Louis asked, looking clueless and surprised in the same time.

Harry didn't reply the question, he just chuckled at his boyfriend's clueless expression. Harry then stood up from the bed, standing in front of Louis and he put his knees on the floor, kneeling in front of Louis. Louis frowned when Harry did that but then Harry moved his hands slowly to Louis' zipper. Harry played with Louis' zipper, unzipping the zipper and Louis gasped slowly, still clueless and looking so innocent.

When his zipper was alrwady unzipped, Harry unbottoned Louis' jeans. Then without wasting any time, he took out Louis' now half-hard length, making cold air hitting Louis' length. Harry moved his head closer to Louis' length before he finally opened his mouth and he took Louis' length in his-

Ring! Ring! Ring!

Louis' eyes opened immediately as he gasped when he was awaken. His body was all sweaty and his breath was uncontrolable. He was panting, not so hard but enough to make Louis ask what the hell just happened. Louis then looked at his ringing phone before he looked at the clock on the wall. It was still three and he was tired.

"What the hell?" Louis mumbled under his breath, sighing as he took the ringing phone on the small table beside his own bed then he answered it without looking at who the caller I.D. "Really? Three in the morning?"

"I'm sorry, did I wake you?"

Louis felt like he was finally awoke when he heard the voice he recognized. He felt like he just heard that voice in his somehow-felt-weird-and-dirty dream. The deep voice made Louis shudder a little bit. "Harry? Is that you?"

"What, you're being soft because it's me? Because you just snapped at me when you didn't know who's calling," Harry teased and Louis rolled my eyes, not in mood to argue.

"I'm hanging up."

"No, no, babe, don't," Harry said as soon Louis finished his sentence. Louis didn't answer right after that because he felt like he heard something weird from Harry. His breath felt heavy as if he was panting but Louis decided to ignore it.

"Harry, I have class tomorrow. I need to get some sleep," Louis replied, yawning to show Harry how sleepy he was even though he was already wide awake when he heard Harry's deep voice.

Then there was it again, the sound of heavy breathing was heard again and Louis frowned, having the sound very awkward. The heavy breathing sounded like the heavy breathing in his dream, the difference is this time, it felt like so real for Louis.

"Please, it won't take a long time." Louis heard Harry sighing and Louis' mind just got dirtier than before. His breath sounded hot for some reason and Louis couldn't help getting a little hard because of it and he was also still excited because of the dream he had earlier. "I really miss you."

"Harry, are you drunk?" Louis asked to the phone. Harry replied with a 'nope' and he popped the 'p'. Then it happened again, this time it was louder than before and Louis could clearly hear it. It sounded so sexual in any way.

"Harry, what are you doing?" Louis asked with a curious tone.

"I'm not doing any-fuck," Harry replied but he stopped, cursing instead it sounded really sexy. Louis could feel himself hardening.

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