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Louis lay down on his bed, eyes staring to the ceiling, hands under his head and the things he heard were only his own breath and the ticking clock. His stare looked empty like he wasn't thinking about anything at all. He was so confused. The things that happened earlier confused yet surprised him so much. He didn't know what to react to the new thing he never felt before.

Kissing, for him was fine and he also got used at the sexual touch but getting into the new level scared Louis so bad. Getting into a new level means he had to let his boyfriend to touch him in private parts and Louis just didn't like the weird feeling he would get. He didn't know why but giving his virginity to someone was scary, he was scared if Harry wasn't the one who would be with him until they were old enough to die.

The thought of giving his virginity to a wrong person scared Louis the most and Louis didn't want to give them to a wrong person.

"Damn,"Louis whispered to himself, feeling his head aching for too much thinking. He also might need to sleep anyway, it was already one in the morning, he should sleep or else he would get sleepy for the class he had tomorrow.

Louis then rolled to the end of the bed, trying to take his phone to check if there was any notifications from Harry but no, he found nothing. Harry didn't text or call him at all. All notifications in Louis' phone were only party invitations from facebook, mentions on twitter and a few likes from his friends on instagram.

Louis sighed, did Harry hate him for not wanting to rush things? Did Harry hate him because he didn't want to have sex with him? All those negative thoughts came inside Louis' mind again. But then Louis shook it all away, trying to not think about anything right now. He forced himself to close his eyes and sleep but he felt so wide awake because of the thoughts.

Louis sighed again before he decided to drink a hot chocolate to make him feel sleepy. He jumped out from his bed then he walked towards his door, unlocking it before going out from his bedroom, walking towards downstairs. Before he reached downstairs, he heard a sound from the living room. Sound of two men screaming about who was going to win an a sound from television that sounded like a game.

Louis curiously walked to the living room slolwy. He didn't create any sound so anybody in the living room wouldn't notice his presence. Once he was in the living room, he found two guys screaming. One guy screamed about how cool he was for being the winner and the other guy screamed because he lost. Louis shook his head at the childish actions before one of them decided to turn his head and he caught Louis standing there. "Hey, Louis!"

The other one who Louis knew as Niall turned his head too to look at Louis and he smiled at Louis, but still the trace of his pissed off face was still there. "Hey there."

"Hey guys, playing up all night?" Louis asked, walking closer towards them and he hopped to the sofa.

"Yup," the person Louis knew as Ed replied, smiling cutely. "Niall here said to Zayn that he was an expert when it comes to fighting game. I'm here to say that's wrong."

"This is what you get for being so cocky," Louis said to Niall, making the blonde guy pout.

"I was not being cocky, I was telling the truth!" Niall denied. "Besides, I never played with Ed before. How the hell could I know he's better?"

"It's okay, love," Ed cooed. "I still love you even if you can't defeat me." Ed wrapped his arm around Niall's neck and Niall pushed Ed away.

"Don't touch me, ugly, this ain't over yet," Niall said. He tried to be intimidating but he failed as he put a pout on his face instead of those scary faces.

It was time for Ed to pout. He was used to be called ugly but still, it kind of hurt his heart everytime someone called him that. He knew he wasn't the most handsome guy in the world and he also knew he was ugly as hell. "I'm so unfriending you right now."

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