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"What were you guys doing?" Matt asked, sighing while running his fingers on his hair. He looked tired and confused but on top of it, he looked shocked when he saw a box of pizza sitting on the dining table with a few slices left inside of it. Judged from the toppings, Matt was so sure that his soon-to-be-wife ordered this.

Louis and Rachel sat awkwardly on the chair of the dining room, both eyes looking down to the ground, refusing to see the fact that Matt looked disappointed. "You know, you could've told me if you want something, Rachel."

"I'm sorry," Rachel whispered. "But I really, really want a pizza. Seems like the baby also wanted some." Rachel rubbed her stomach where their baby lived for about 9 months.

"Oh, c'mon, babe. Lift your head, I'm not angry," Matt cooed. Rachel smiled before lifting her head, looking straight to her soon-to-be-husband.

"Please don't hate Louis because of this. He's innocent, just like the reason why he takes woman's role," Rachel said with puppy eyes.

"Excuse me?" Louis frowned in disbelief, looking at Rachel. "I'm a pure man. I take man's role because I'm a man. I have nuts."

"Oh yeah, you take man's role. The only difference between you and your boyfriend, you take it in your ass."

"Maybe I should take it in my ass. Who knows people will be crazy about it?"

"Well, since you're a virgin, we can start with a carrot."

"Oh my god, guys!" Matt cut the conversation with a slightly flushed cheeks as he shook his head while looking at Rachel and Louis. "You sure talk like a ten years old kid."

"Ten years old kid doesn't know sex," Rachel replied quickly.

"Oh, gosh." Matt sighed. "Well, you guys go brush your teeth or something. I'm gonna make breakfast."

"Okay," Rachel said while smiling before walking to the bathroom by herself, leaving Louis and Matt with kind of awkward situation.

But Louis didn't want to make the awkward situation become more awkward since Matt was good enough to take him into his house so Louis finally spoke, "Sorry."

"No, you've done nothing," Matt said, eyes not looking at Louis' eyes since he was busy enough to make breakfast. Louis would like to help but he wasn't really good at cooking stuffs so instead of ruining it, he chose to sit down. "Well, you've actually done something."

"What is it?" Louis asked in curiousity.

"You make my girl happy," Matt answered while smiling but eyes still not looking at Louis, "and that's all that matters. You make her happy, you're welcomed here."

"Thanks," Louis whispered with a wide smile. "She's a fine lady."

"She's beyond than fine," Matt said. "She's perfect."

Louis smiled at the words, feeling like they would make a good couple. They looked like they loved each other so much and that was enough. Suddenly, a thought came cross Louis' mind while thinking about the couple. He almost forgot the reason why he was there. He forgot the fact that Harry cheated on him yesterday. And he remembered it all.

The sadness he felt finally came back and he felt like his heart ached so bad. His expression dropped, he wasn't even sure what kind of face he was showing. It all happened in sudden and Louis wasn't expecting that. To see his boyfriend doing something like that in front of his eyes, that thing was unbelievable.

Harry always looked like a faithful one, he didn't expect that to come that fast. Louis remembered once Harry said things about Harry wanting to wait for Louis and he did it with full heart. But he didn't know Harry wouldn't keep his promise. Louis had lost his trust towards Harry, the onw he trusted so much.

Harry was Louis' everything. Louis' source of warmness, love, life, happiness and things that made him think that he was precious, made him think that his life wasn't a waste of time. But then Harry had to make him think twice and it made Louis think that he was nothing in Harry's eyes. Did Harry really love Louis or it was just a game for him? Louis wasn't sure.

"Louis?" Louis heard Matt call him and he immediately turned his head to where the voice came.

"Yeah, Matt?"

"You look, um, I don't know, sad?" Matt replied with unsure tone. "Wanna talk about it? I'm all ears if you want."

"I don't know, Matt," Louis said, shrugging. "It all happened so fast. He-Harry never, I never thought that he would do that, I mean, he-fuck-I'm sorry." Louis could feel his tears fall when he cursed and Matt immediately stopped what he was doing and he sat next to Louis, unsure what to do with the crying boy.

"Lou, it's alright, it's all gonna be ok-"

"No, it's not alright," Louis said in the middle of his sobs. Matt got more confused and he didn't know what to do instead of being silent. Louis was crying silently for a few seconds and his sobs were the only thing that was heard in the kitchen.

"I never feel this betrayed," Louis whispered through his sobs. He tried to wipe his tears but no matter how much he tried, the tears never stopped and his cheeks ended up getting wet. "I thought he loved me. I thought he did."

Matt felt like his heart aching when he saw the crying boy. Looking Louis like this was breaking his heart in some point and he hated it. Without knowing what he was doing, he stepped closer to Louis and a opened both of his arms before hugging the crying boy, rubbing Louis' back to comfort him.

Louis didn't push Matt away. Instead, he cried even more, releasing all the mixed things he was feeling. Louis let himself being hugged by Matt because he really needed it. A comfort from someone, a warmness from someone. Louis tried to open his mouth to speak again and he managed to speak while sobbing, "I saw him with another girl yesterday. The girl-she was kissing Harry's neck. I never thought-"

"Okay, Louis, I understand," Matt whispered slowly to Louis' ears. "It's going to be alright. There should be a way for you to solve it. Wether it's a bad and hurting way or it's a good and happily ever after way, you'll solve it. C'mon Louis, stop crying, okay?"

Louis nodded but he didn't stop crying-he can't stop crying. Those tears just fell and it wouldn't stop. Louis hugged Matt's bigger body because he felt like he need more comfort. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"No need to apologize, beautiful," Matt said, not realizing that he just called Louis beautiful but even if he realized, he wouldn't care. Louis was breaking and all Matt wanted to do was to cheer the boy. "It's okay. We all get hurt sometimes."

Matt rubbed Louis' back once again before continuing, "Wipe those tears, okay? You deserve much better than this. Don't let things make you feel down. Come on, wipe those tears."

Louis wiped his tears this time and it actually worked. He stopped crying, all that was left is his sniffles. Matt smiled at the smaller boy, "That's it. You can stop your tears. Now show me your smile. Your usual one, your smug one. Come on, show me your sass."

Louis laughed a little at the words Matt said. He showed his usual smile to Matt, showing to Matt that he could do this. "Do I look smug?"

"You do, you really do," Matt said, smiling at the boy.

Little did Louis knew, he started to feel much better. He felt like he wasn't that hurt to face the fact that Harry cheated on him. Maybe it was because he had let his tears out or his feeling for Harry was fading. Louis would never know.


A/N: i was so stressed out with my family. We had this huge problem and they all blamed it on me. What a great family they are. But, you guys successfully cheered me up by making this story to 60k! Thank you so much. I really love you guys. x

p.s sorry for short chapter, school has started yesterday and i got stucked couple of time

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