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Devin and I cleaned my house, which is really nice of him.
When we were done it was 4:36pm.

The doorbell rings and I open the door. It's Cate.

"Cate ?" I say surprised.
"hey. I asked you if I could come by this afternoon did you forgot?" I did. I completely forgot.

"euhm yeah a little..."
"are you busy? Should I leave?"
"no, no. Come in. We just finished cleaning anyways" I let her in.
"We?" she asks raising an eyebrow.
"Yes, Devin helped me"
"Devin? That guy who wants to date you?"
"well we are just friend honey." I get closer to her and give her a quick peck.

"I got to leave now but call me, sweety" Deving comes out of my bedroom on his way to the door but not without kissing my cheek. The look on Cates face. Priceless.

"please tell me you're not sleeping with him" she spitt out one's he's gone.
I chuckle "I was questioning myself how long it would take you to break. But no I am not. I only sleep with hot ass blonde women" I embrace her and kiss all over her neck.

At this point she is leaned against the back of the couch letting out some heavy sighes every now and then.

"I have to say I was and am still pretty impressed by yesterday night. How about we redo that huh?" I lean into her and gently press my lips against hers. I inhale her sent.

"it's very hard to be mad at you when this feels so good." ha I knew it.

"how could you wait so long? We saw each other twice already"

"well you learn to choose the right moments when you have kids you'll see."

"yeah I don't think so" I chuckle. Me having kids haha yeah no...

"what do you mean?" she asks

"well I don't want kids. And while we're at it. I knew you where gonna talk about the other day and what I said about your daughter. Listen I like you a lot. I love being with you and it's the first time that I want a real relationship, but I'm just the worst with kids okay? I don't want kids, I don't like kids and that's because I don't know how to be with them.... "

I take a step back and lean back.

"well why didn't you tell me? I mean I get it, it can be a lot 3 kids at one's. But if you didn't want to why didn't you just say it?"

"Cate. You have 4 kids. And you think I, the woman who wants to be your girlfriend is gonna tell you; oh btw I don't like kids and I am really bad with kids, but hey that shouldn't be a problem right? Mothers always put their kids first and I don't..." omg since when am I so emotional? Was I gonna say I don't want to lose you?

"Kim. It's okay. You're not with my kids you're with me. And we've only been seeing each other for a few weeks. My kids are not always there and with time it'll get better. I'll help you. Okay?" she takes my hand to pull me into a hug.

After some silence I say " I'm sorry about what I said about you daughter. I was wrong. She seems lovely. The questions just bothered me a bit. "

" It's okay baby"

"Now miss Blanchett can I get a kiss." we look into each other's eyes.


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