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It's Monday. School... I couldn't stop thinking of Cate. She is so... Perfect. When you look at her it's like beeing in a fairytale. She's like a porcelaine angel. The cutest and most gentle and amazing person. God I am falling in love...

I see Dashiell in the corridor walking towards me. "hey there, how did the French assignment go?" he asks "at my surprise not that bad. Thank god I'm a native because even I sometimes ask myself what I'm supposed to do." I chuckle.

"well since you couldn't come over this weekend I thought maybe you could come over this afternoon. My mom will be home later so we could maybe do something" he smiles really hoping I will agree. "Sure" I answer eventhough I awkwardly don't really want to. "but you know you can also invite me if your mom is home. It wouldn't bother me" I laugh and we start walking. It's weird because suddenly I feel a bit distant with him. Maybe it's because now I've got to take care what I will say and stuff. Anyways.
We make our ways to our classes and the day goes on.

As we are finished we drive to his house.

"god I'm starving" I say as we enter his house. "would you like something to eat? Didn't you eat at school?" he looks at me questioningly "well no I wasn't hungry back then. Maybe we could make some pizza ourselves if you don't mind? Could be fun with a little music" I suggest. He noddes and we make our way to the beautiful kitchen.

I ask him if I can connect my phone to put on the music eventhough I know we don't have the same taste. He rolls his eyes as he hears it, already annoied. We still laugh.

Making the dough normally isn't hard but damn Dashiell is really bad at backing. We laugh so hard that at some point the flour is everywhere and I'm about to fall back because I can't hold myself anymore. As I fall I nock the flour bag over, on myself. Laying on the floor laughing covered in flour Dashiell leaves rushing to the toilet as he's about to pee himself. I get up trying to calm myself and taking off most of the flour on me as I hear my favorite song (holding out for a hero - Bonnie Tyler). I sing along cleaning the mess we've made and as I turn around BANG.

I embrace Cate trying not to make both of us fall. "OMG. I'm so sorry" I start laughing again and take a step back. She looks at me bewondered. I forgot. I'm covered in flour. "hey honey" I say as I recomposed myself. "You seem to have a lot of fun in my kitchen. What are you doing here?" she asks smiling at my appearance. "Well I'm the one who should be asking. Dashiell said you where coming home later" I wink at her.

"Mom" Dashiell exclaims. "what are you doing here? I thought you were out?" "well excuse me I live here. You should have told me that you had someone over or asked me not to come home if you wanted to be alone." she answers. "is it a secret that Kimberly is here or why don't you inform me when you have people over?" "What? No it's not. I just thought it wasn't worth mentioning if you're not here anyways" "okay fine but I would like to know who's in my house especially if I'm not home. Now, do you want me to leave so you can have fun alone?". I fellt like the question was more adressed to me than to her son. It's like she doesn't want to interrupt us or intrude in our friendship. It's meant nicely but also a little weird. *What have I gotten myself into* I chuckle at myself.

I interrupt their discutions "What about me and Dashiell finish the pizza and we'll eat it together afterwards. You don't have to leave Cate. It's your house" I smile. She smiles back accepting the proposition. Why wouldn't she.

We finish the pizza and put it in the oven. It's already 17:48 because of the mess and the waiting for the dough to rest. The pizza needs 35 minuts to cook so Dashiell decides to do some homework after asking if I mind. Of course I don't.

I pour myself and Cate a glass of wine and start searching for her. I know it might not be appropriate to walk around in someones house but I want to see her.

I go upstairs and call her name to see if her heads gonna pup out from some  door. She does. "Hey, would you like a glass" I ask walking towards her. She leans in the door and takes it sheepishly smiling. "thanks. Where's my son?" "he's studying while we wait for the pizza."
"would you actually like to change. At least your shirt cause it's really... A mess" she chuckles. I love her voice, I lover her chuckles ughhh.

"if you don't mind lending me something." we walk in and I realize it's her bedroom. It's big. Really big. She has a couch area with a desk in front of her window. Than her bed that is cut out of the first room by enormous doors. And on the left of the bed is a walk in closet. Damn I want that to. Maybe I should renovate.

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