Serious Talk

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"Ehm... Where do I start? So my parents passed away 3 Years ago when I was 17. And... Ehm... My. My parents where climbing up a hill." I look at my hands trying to get a straight sentence out which appears to be very hard. Cate puts her hand on mine and we look at each other. I loose my gaze into the emptiness again as I continue. "They both fell. Well I don't exactly know what happend but that's pretty much what I was told. They said that it could also be that my dad was already on top but got pulled down by my mom who wrongly attached herself. I. I.. Don't really know." I spitt out all those phrases to make the moment pass as fast as possible.

Cate pulls me closer to her "I'm so sorry Kimberly. No one deserves to feel such pain and live with such empty weight". The phrasing is funny but she's right. There is a lot of emptiness since they died, but it's so heavy and hard to live without them.

"It's funny. I never thought of how I would feel telling someone about this." We stay there stuck in each other's embrace thinking about nothing just listening to the silence there is.

"I admire you. I think you are very brave. I mean look at you. How did you have the strength to get on like this. You have a home, a car, you go to school, you have friends and you have a life. I'm impressed about how you manage all this." Cate speak with a relaxed and soft voice.
"Well it wasn't always like this. I mean it was pretty bad at the beginning. But at some point I had to get on because I'm only at the beginning of my life. I thought if I don't at least finish my last year of school all the years would go to waste. So I renovated the house to clear my thoughts, I sold one of the 2 cars and bought a new one. I founded a little company with some of the money I inherited and when it started working I went back to school. I mean I have to make money to live somehow" I chuckle. Thank got I got to lift the mood by myself hah.

Cate just looks at me baffled "I'm so impressed. I actually can't believe that I'm sitting next to such a strong woman" "You're cute. Thank you that is really nice." I answer and give her a quick kiss.

I dwell down my glass. "Thank you for telling me. I know how hard it can be." Cate says to me as I get back to her and seductively say "now where where we before this conversation started hum?" I lean her down with her legs on each side of me. "you okay?" Cate looks at me with a concerned look. "I actually am. I thought it would be way harder but telling you just feels right." I respond and ad "so can we now continue? I really liked what was happening outside". I kiss her softly and passionately.

Hey, hope you enjoyed. Things are starting to build up between the two of them. Maybe they'll soon be in a relationship... Who knows ;)

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