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I know it's been a while...Sry. Idk how much I will add to this story but for now this is it.


I pause waiting for a reaction but she just looks at me. "I think I'm falling for you Cate.... I'm in love with you".

I know there is still so much I don't know about her and the situation is complicated but she is so amazing.

"I think I'm falling for you too" she answers and gives me a deep kiss.

As the moment is about to get more heated my phone rings.

I look at the screen and say "oh damn it's Dashiell. Maybe he wants to talk to you" I joke.
"omg that is not funny at all Kim" she looks at me all serious.
"don't look at me like this mommy" I say in a seductive tone and her eyes grow.
"No absolutely not. My daughter calls me that so no"
"I bet it doesn't sound the same" I smirk and take the call so Cate can't argue.

"Hey Dash what's popping? How's being sick?"
"Hi, I'm better thanks, I will be back Monday. I wanted to talk or idk ask you something"
"sure shoot"
"well euhm I'm not really comfortalbe with it. It's kind of about my mom... Would you mind coming over on Monday so we can talk"
"you want us to talk about your mom?" I chuckle and see Cates face turn to me with a questioning and kind of worried look.
"well kind of... I know it's weird but something happened and you're the only person who I think knows how to handle this"
"ooookayyy sure I'll be there. We'll then see you"

We end the conversation and as soon as I put the phone down Cate blurts out "what did he say? Does he know? Is it bad? Is he mad at me? At us?"
"omg babe chill. He doesn't know anything. He just said that something happened and he only knows me who could know how to handle it. Idk what that's supposed to mean but he'll tell me Monday"
"omg what if he knows? Should I be at home in case he has questions or shouldn't I in case he's really mad?"
"be there or not it won't make a difference cause he doesn't know. How would he? Now come here and give me some kisses".
I can see how she wants to continue to argue so I take over and kiss her.
We make out a little more until Cate needs to go back home.

School was fine. I haven't asked Dashiell yet about what he wants to talk about since he wanted to do it at his place. After our last class I drive him home and we go up to his room.

"sooo what's going on Dash?" I ask once he's sat on his bed.
"uhmmm. I really don't know how to do this... Stop me if this is to personal or- Did you ever tell your parents that you were gay?"
I look at him a little surprised and wonder why he's asking.
"well kind of. I mean my parents already senced it. They were very open minded and when I brought home the first girl it was nothing more special than if it were a boy"
"so they didn't really react. Did you wish they had reacted differently or more? "
"no cause that showed me how normal they wanted this to be for me. Everybody can love who they want. Of course they were super exited to be part of my first encounters but it would've been the same with a guy... Are you trying to tell me that you're gay?" I chuckle "cause honestly be what and who you want to be but you're not gay or my gay dar is broken".

Dashiell faintly smiles and waits a little.
"does your gay dar work on my mom?" he asks looking down on his hands.
I roll nearer with the chair "what do you mean?" I ask.
"I think my mom is gay or bi or idk.... I mean I'm totally fine with it like you know I'm no homophobe and I'm all for love is love, it's just when did that happen? Why has she never mentioned she liked women? Or maybe she always did but couldn't be with a woman because back then it wasn't well seen? I just don't really know what to do with her telling me she slept with some woman. Or maybe I mixed up things and she just meant at some womans place? " my, he looks so lost.
We both take a breath before I speak.
"I do understand that finding out after 17 years that your mom is not straight and might not bring home a man can be weird or make you question stuff. But I know that you're smart and I know even though it might take time you'll get used to it and it'll get more comfortable even if it's confusing now. Why don't you just talk to her or ask her? "
" idk. Idk if it's weird for her, I mean she's an adult she can do what she wants. She's not married anymore so she's not cheating. Anyways I wouldn't know where to start and if I'm wrong it'll be weird?"
"I could talk to you mom if you want to. So that when you do decide to talk to her you might know exactly what to say. I know how to make women talk" I smirk to lighten his mood and I can see him chuckle at my answer.
"that would be very weird but knowing about it before talking with her would make this a little less awkward. I could go for a walk now and be back in half an hour?"
"Now???? Oh okay sure then let's go".
We head back downstairs and Dashiell leaves.

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