Unforgettable Embrace

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Dashiell is already out of the house while you are still gathering your things together as Cate walks nearer to say goodbye. You turn around saying it was lovely to meet her and she hands you her hand. You think about it for a moment. *I would prefer a hug* you tell yourself as you slide your hands from her hips to her back and pull her into a soft hug smelling her neck and her hair. As she realizes it she puts her arms around your neck. Your hands move slowly up and down and across her back. You inhale her sent "mhhhmmm you smell so good... I love the refreshing sent of citrus fruits" you say in a relaxed voice. Your words vibrate on her skin and she let's out a quiet moan and places her hand on your lower head. It's like a sign of asking you not to leave or break this hug. This shows you that she likes this just as much as you do and so you stop yourself from resisting and kiss her neck. Her skin is so soft and smooth. She leans onto the door to take in the moment and let go and again a little moan. You think about the last time you felt so attracted towards someone, without even really knowing that person, but you never did. This feeling never happend to you before.

You don't want to leave... This feels so good. You can't remember the last time someone made a hug feel so warm. You remember when your parents would embrace you. It kind of felt like this, and that's when you lean out of it and leave. You leave her behind... Speechless.

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