16 / gotta go

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There was a short silence between the two boys during which Jisung's eyes widened and Minho's smile dropped

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There was a short silence between the two boys during which Jisung's eyes widened and Minho's smile dropped. Before things could get more awkward, Jisung tried to answer.
«Wha- what makes you think that?» The younger boy unconsciously stepped back. Minho must've noticed that, Jisung thought, as he furrowed his eyebrows the slightest.
Jisung thought he had ruined it all for good now.

«You're acting so weird. You barely talk to me and always try not to be too close to me. Are you scared of me? Do you not like me?» Minho stepped closer to Jisung, his expression still disappointed in some way.
Jisung cursed himself mentally, trying to sort out his thoughts so he would be able to put things right again.
He didn't want - and most certainly didn't need - Minho to think he didn't like him or something.

«No! No, no. I- i like you. You're cool. I just- it's just...me.» Jisung dared to look Minho straight in the eyes to try and make what he said seem more truthful. And he fairly did have a hard time maintaining that eye contact.
He felt his muscles relax when Minho seemed to believe him. Not that what Jisung had said was a lie - but it had definitely sounded like one because the boy was nothing more than a pile of nervousness right now.

«Oh. Okay. I like you, too. You're really cool to hang out with, and you're cute.»
Minho smiled when he said the last part of his sentence, making Jisung blush immediately again.

«Can you please stop calling me...cute?» He asked cautiously, averting his eyes, trying to look everywhere but at the boy in front of him.
«Oh, sorry. Does it make you uncomfortable?» Minho seemed genuinely sorry for having called Jisung ‹cute› which made Jisung want to punch himself.
«Kind...of.» He mumbled.

Again there was a silence, and Jisung could feel Minho's eyes on him the whole time. He needed to do something.
«We should go back upstairs now. Seungmin and Hyunjin are probably wondering where-» Jisung tried to walk past Minho as he said that, but was stopped by the latter who stepped in front of him.

«Or we could ditch them and go to the new café that opened down the road.»

Jisung didn't know if he had understood - let alone heard - that right. His eyes found Minho's and he could see a very light pink shade on the older's cheek.


«It's on me?» Minho tried again, when Jisung didn't answer.
«O- Oh. Um, yes. I mean, yes let's go, but it doesn't have to be on you. Sorry.» Jisung's voice got more quiet towards the end of his sentence. Minho just laughed. «Why are you apologizing?»
His question seemed to have been rather rhetorical, considering that he didn't wait for an answer from Jisung but signaled him with a quick head movement to follow him.

After having successfully detached himself from the kitchen floor that he had been glued to - or at least it had felt like that the entire time he had been talking to Minho - he found himself following the older boy out of the house and into his black Audi.
Only when Jisung sat in the passengers seat, it came to his mind how Minho, a 19 year old student, could own a decent Audi like that. The brunet contemplated asking the driver, eventually deciding it might be rude or something. So he kept quiet and just watched the road they were by now driving down.

The new café appeared to not be that far away, the drive had only lasted about five minutes in which the two hadn't spoken a single word. Minho was quick to find a parking space and, eventually, the two of them were seated in a quiet corner of the cafe.
It was sunny outside and through the big windows the cafe was being illuminated in a pretty way.

Jisung looked around the café. There weren't too many people there. A group of girls, a few couples and another group of teenagers their age. Even the interior decoration appealed to Jisung. He almost forgot he was sitting in this nice café with his crush.

«You like it?» Jisung's train of thoughts was disrupted by Minho. He turned his head to the boy in front of him and nodded, feeling the nervousness crawl back into him. Minho smiled.
«It's my cousin's.»

Not only did Minho drive a nice car, but his cousin apparently owned a whole café. His whole family had to be quiet wealthy.
«That's why you took me here?» Jisung laughed, crossing his arms in a playful way, earning another laugh from Minho.
«No. I just like it here. Not because it's my cousin's.» He leaned forward and propped his chin on his hands.

Jisung smiled. Then his cellphone rang.
«Huh?» he exlaimed, grabbing it from his pocket, seeing that Seungmin was calling.
«Oh crap, we didn't tell Hyunjin and Seungmin we were leaving, did we?» Jisung laughed, not awaiting a response from Minho as he picked up.

«Jisung? Where the hell are you? And Minho?» Seungmin sounded concerned and mad at the same time.
The younger boy looked at Minho who was suppressing his laugh, and so did Jisung.
«Sorry, we forgot to tell you. We went to the new café.»
«New café? What? Anyways, come back.»
Jisung furrowed his eyebrows.
«Just because.»
«Fine.» Jisung scoffed and hung up, giving Minho an apologizing look.
«They want us to come back right now.» He explained, leaning back in his seat in disapproval.
Minho tilted his head and pursed his lips.
«Hm. We didn't even get to order anything.»

Jisung only shrugged, disappointed that his best friend had ordered him to break off his and Minho's spontaneous café visit.
«Well.» Minho stood up and Jisung eyed him with a surprised look.
«I guess we're leaving.»

Although Jisung very much hated the idea of going back to Seungmin and Hyunjin, he rose from his seat and quietly followed Minho out of the café and back to his car. He tried his best not to show his disappointment during the ride. Minho didn't say anything else either, thus Jisung had not the slightest idea of what Minho was thinking. Whether the older boy was in favour of all this or if he also would have preferred to stay at the café a little longer.


it has been a long time
- but i will always return
anyways, hello, welcome back

analogous to my own love life,
minsung will soon be in for some
so stay tuned 😎

+ love u guys mwah🤍

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