19 / dumb dumb

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Usually, Jisung wouldn't get this drunk

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Usually, Jisung wouldn't get this drunk. Of course he had been to other parties, drinking alcohol and all that - he was indeed familiar with the feeling of being intoxicated. But whatever that feeling was which was driving him now, was far beyond being just intoxicated. Jisung was completely drunk, absolutely no control over his own thoughts, words and actions. Somewhere deep down inside him, he could still perceive everything he was doing and saying, but in no way did he think about any of that. Not even all the glasses of water that Seungmin kept handing him and that he chugged down seemed to help.

«Jesus Christ, Jisung, this is the first time I've see you like this. If the reason you got this drunk is what I think it is... you've got a huge problem.»
Jisung's worried best friend plopped down onto the couch next to him, eyeing the brunet as he drank another glass of water.
Seungmin sitting down on the couch, however, appeared to have a seesaw effect, as Jisung instead stood up, putting his glass on the coffee table in front of them.

«Noo.» Jisung slurred, waving his hand in front of Seungmin.
«You are wrong. It was an accident. I accidentally drank too much.» The brunet tried to convince the younger, not succeeding in doing so however.
«Maybe we should go home?» Seungmin also stood up to face the drunk boy, concern still written all over his face.
«No!» Jisung said, a little to loud, and again waved his hand.
«I'm good. You're good. We're good.» He looked around as if searching something or someone. Seungmin followed his gaze, not really finding whatever his friend was looking for.

«I'm just gonna go and...get some fresh air. Yes. Fresh air.» Jisung eventually stated proudly, pointing towards the huge glass door that connected the house to a private garden where a few people were standing, drinking and talking, some smoking.
The younger let out a defeated sigh, coming to terms with the fact that he could not force Jisung to do anything.
«Fine. Call me if you need anything.» He said and without getting a reply, Jisung turned around and aimed for the garden.

«Jisung!» The addressed boy had only made one step into the garden when he heard a high pitched voice call out for him.
Simultaneously with the fresh wind hitting his face, a body threw itself at him, arms wrapping around his torso.
Surprised at the sudden action, Jisung stumbled backwards, eventually finding halt and putting his hands on the shoulders of the girl that had just hugged him out of nowhere.

«Hey, Hyebin.»
Upon hearing the greeting, the girl detached herself from the taller boy and looked up to face him with a smile.
«I never told you this, and I probably would never have because, god, I'm too shy when sober. So I'm only telling you this now because I'm drunk as hell.» The girl babbled on, making it hard for Jisung to understand what she was saying, especially given his drunk state.
His focus was only completely back on the girl when two small hands cupped his face.
«But you are so fucking hot.»

Admittedly, Jisung would've reacted completely differently if he was told something like this when he was sober, but in his current state, those words gave him a push of confidence, so he smiled back at the girl who was staring at him like in trance.
«Thanks.» He replied, not being sure of what to say or do next, though.

All of a sudden, he was reminded of the time he'd had a crush on Hyebin a year or two ago. Those feelings he had had back then came rushing back into his drunk mind, making him feel even more confused. All thoughts of Minho seemed to be pushed away by the new thoughts, although temporary.
Nevertheless, Jisung had a hard time concentrating as the toxin flowing through is systems clouded his mind, stopping any clear thought from getting through. And the girl standing in front of him didn't seem to feel any better.

Jisung noticed he still had his hands on Hyebin's shoulders, but he didn't think about removing them for whatever reason.
As if it was completely natural, the two drunk students leaned in to each other until their lips met, immediately letting the pair get engulfed into a make out session. Without a second thought, Jisung let his hands wander from Hyebin's shoulder's to her waist, pulling her closer while the girl wrapped her arms around the brunet's neck. They didn't even kiss properly, but instead let their tongues play the bigger part.

Jisung's mind was too busy with what was going on at the moment to think about anything else, Minho, Seungmin, or the fact that he should be doing everything except making out with a girl. The two broke apart, just to connect their lips again a second later. This time, Hyebin took one of Jisung's hand and led it to her butt, the boy's other hand following along after getting the hint. The girl wrapped her arms back around Jisung's neck as they continued making out. They didn't even stand out since there were enough other couples at the party kissing and making out.

Hyebin eventually once again pulled away and looked at the taller, a smile on her lips.
«You're a really good kisser.» She didn't give Jisung a chance to say anything in response as she quickly put her lips on top of his again.
Jisung's thoughts were running wild and staying still at the same time. His drunk self was very much enjoying this, but the one part inside of him that watched all this, wondered why the hell he was doing what he was doing. The alcohol, however, was stronger and failed to make Jisung realize that what he was doing would land on the list of things he was going to regret.

«We could...we could go upstairs.» Hyebin shyly said after detaching her lips from Jisung's once again. The boy found himself not opposed to the idea, and when he was about to say something, his arm was forcefully grabbed and he got pulled away from the girl.
«Or WE could go home.» Seungmin gave Jisung a warning look, then turned to face the confused and blushing girl, his expression softening.
«I'm sorry, Hyebin. Jisung's sleeping over at my house and I told my parents we'd be home by 2.» The boy lied, shooting the blonde girl a smile. He was gripping onto Jisung's forearm, afraid that he might run away or anything.
«Oh, don't worry. Get home safely. See you...around, Jisung.» Hyebin smiled sincerely at the addressed boy and then gave Seungmin a small nod, before turning around and walking away.

«What's gotten into you, Jisung?» Seungmin angrily started the car's engine after having checked that his best friend had put his seatbelt on.
«I don't know what you mean.» Jisung simply stated, not daring to look at the boy next to him.
Seungmin closed his eyes for a few seconds and sighed.
«Fine. We'll talk tomorrow, when you're sober.» With that said, he started driving, not saying a single word the entire ride, ans neither did Jisung.

- - - -

» jisung?


this story actually got to
10k reads i'm so happy
thank you ily😭 <3 <3 <3

ik already said this bUT I
just wait :((

oh and what do we think
about another minsung ff??
please let me know real quick
bc i've got some ideas 🥺

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