17 / awaken

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«Is this what people refer to as ‹freedom›?» Felix stretched his arms, leaning his head back and closing his eyes

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«Is this what people refer to as ‹freedom›?» Felix stretched his arms, leaning his head back and closing his eyes. He sighed contently.
However, his moment was ruined by someone lightly smacking the back of his head, making him glare at the person who had disturbed his little moment of being overdramatic.

«Geez, you're acting as though we just graduated. Calm down, it's just holidays.» Seungmin rolled his eyes and gave Felix another nudge to make him start walking.

«Still. No school. No homework. No waking up at 6am. No tests, no studying. For two whole weeks.» Felix, again, got too much into his feelings, making Jisung laugh next to him.

The three of them were currently walking home from school, chatting and laughing when suddenly a loud horn was heard and a car stopped on the road next to them.
«Jesus f*cking Christ, I-» Jisung got startled by the loud sound, almost throwing himself at Seungmin, and held his hand to his chest.

Felix, on the other hand, curiously leaned down as the window of the car was winded down, exposing a black-haired male with a smirk on his face.

«I hope I didn't scare you too much.» Changbin laughed, referring to Jisung who was still clinging onto Seungmin's shirt. Only then he realized and let go of his friend, clearing his throat and dusting off his clothes.

Before any of the three boys could reply, Changbin continued talking.
«I'm throwing a party at my house tonight. You guys should come.»

Jisung subtly tried to look and see whether there was anyone - or more specifically Minho - sitting in the passenger's seat. However, Changbin seemed to be alone.
Where was Minho?

«Oh, hell yes. We'll be there.» Felix said excitedly, clutching his hands together and giving Changbin a thankful smile which the latter replied.
«Great. See you then.»
Without waiting for anyone to say anything, Changbin winded the window back up and drove away.

Proud that he had accepted the invitation, Felix turned back around to his friends only to be met with a glare and another unsure look.
«Who said I wanted to go to a party?» Seungmin crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.
Felix laughed awkwardly, but then also crossed his arms.
The two of them turned the moment into a staring contest of Felix wanting to go to the party and Seungmin the opposite. After a few seconds, Felix let his arms fall to his sides and broke the eye contact.
«Jisung?» he whined, looking at his other friend pleadingly.

The boy addressed furrowed his eyebrows, he almost felt too sorry to say no. In fast mode, Jisung went through possible factors, benefits and disadvantages in his head. He paused when he thought about a certain person also being at the party.
It was Changbin's party after all. Minho just had to be there.

«Yeah, let's go.»
As soon as the brunet had said that, he could feel Seungmin dramatically turn his head to face him, however, he didn't look at him and pursed his lips. He knew that Seungmin could probably figure out that the only reason for Jisung to go to that party could be Minho.
Eventually, Seungmin sighed and rolled his eyes.
«Fine. Fine. I'll get my parents' car and I'll be the driver. That way I can at least watch over you two.»

Jisung could basically see Felix's face light up.
«Really? You're the best! Let's meet at your house at 8!» The boy excitedly exclaimed before sprinting off towards his house which was only a few meters away.
Seungmin and Jisung quietly watched him disappear in his house, then Jisung turned to face Seungmin, an innocent smile on his face. However, Seungmin glared, making Jisung take a step back and advert his eyes.

«Well, see you at 8 then.» The brunet awkwardly said, scratching his neck. He was about to start walking, when Seungmin spoke up.
«I know you want to go to the party because you think Minho is going to be there.»

Upon hearing that name, Jisung rushed towards his best friend and covered his mouth, looking around.
«Pshh! Oh my god, don't say that out loud.»
Seungmin rolled his eyes and forcefully removed Jisung's hand from his mouth.
«I'm doing this because I want to help you. From what I see, Minho might... well, I'm not sure if... but I feel like the feelings are mutual.»

By the end of Seungmin's sentence Jisung thought he was going to faint. He was split somewhere between believing in Seungmin's words and denying everything.
Seungmin thought that Minho might be interested in Jisung?
No, no.
Or was there a possibility? Just the slightest?
The share of homosexual people in South Korea wasn't even 3%, which automatically decreased the chances of Minho being gay to less than 3%, Jisung thought. Besides, even if Minho happened to like boys...the chances that he liked Jisung were even less.

The brunet shook his head, stopping his useless inner calculations.
«No way. No. That's nonsense.» He frowned, to which Seungmin furrowed eyebrows.
«How do you-»
«I just know.»
Jisung felt a sting in his heart. He hated these moments. These moments when reality hit him and he had to accept that he could probably never date his crush. Most of the time, having a crush on Minho was fun. Jisung would get happy over little thing like eye contact and always feel those butterflies. But then there were those moments that ruined all the fun and took Jisung's happiness. Not only that, but it made Jisung incredibly sad. He then always felt like cutting ties with Minho and try to move on. But he couldn't.

«See you at 8.» He eventually said, turning his back to Seungmin, and left without looking back at his confused best friend.

- - - -

» hey let's hang out tomorrow? :)


the fact that stray kids' new song ""
is called "OH" in english when ""
(which is literally "ae") actually
translates to "kid" and they named
it "OH" because OH looks like is
making me mildly uncomfortable

also what is hongjoong so cute for :(

just kidding, minsung ftw

but that minho x seonghwa convo
on kingdom was kinda cute tho

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