31 / paradise

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The first thing Jisung perceived when he woke up from his nap was that Minho wasn't laying next to him anymore

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The first thing Jisung perceived when he woke up from his nap was that Minho wasn't laying next to him anymore. He looked around the room that he was already too familiar with as he'd spend the entire weekend at his boyfriend's. It was rather dark already, he noticed, and sat up in the bed to look for his phone. He spotted it on the nightstand next to the bed and laid down on his stomach across the bed to reach for it and look at the time. Other than he expected, it was only 6pm. He released a relieved sigh, glad that it wasn't four in the morning as they had school the next day.

Right in that moment someone entered the room, not switching on the lights though. Jisung felt the bed sink down next to him, then a hand slap his butt lightly.
"How was your nap?" Minho asked, turning his head to look at Jisung who did the same, a slight scowl on his face.
"Stop randomly slapping my butt."
Minho laughed at that, moving his hand back to Jisung's butt and resting it there.
"You love it." Jisung only rolled his eyes before turning around and facing the ceiling, shaking Minho's hand off him in the process. The latter quickly took the chance and climbed on top of Jisung, straddling his lap.
The younger made a puzzled expression as Minho leaned down with a smile on his lips.

Out of nothing, Jisung's heartbeat picked up pace and he felt heat rise to his cheeks - even though he'd thought that he was over that now that him and Minho were actually together. It felt so intimate in that moment, especially the position they were in, and it made Jisung forget how to breathe. He locked eyes with the older, not able to say anything but for some reason wanting Minho to finally close the gap between them.

Which he did, capturing Jisung's lips in a sweet kiss which the younger happily returned, his arms finding their way around Minho's torso. When the older pulled away, Jisung bit his lower lip, trying to refrain from smiling brightly. The older smiled as well, leaning down again but this time attaching his lips to Jisung's jaw instead of his lips.
The younger's eyes involuntary fluttered shut at the sensation as Minho continued leaving soft kisses on his jaw and then his neck. When that feeling disappeared, Jisung opened his eyes to see Minho's face in front of him.
"Why'd you stop?" He pouted, grip around Minho's body tightening.
"To look at your pretty face." The blonde smiled, making his boyfriend blush even more. To hide than, he leaned up and kissed Minho again. This time the kiss lasted longer and Minho eventually moved his hand to the hem of Jisung's shirt before slowly sliding it beneath it.

At that, Jisung abruptly pulled away, eyes wide, and slapped Minho's hand.
"Shit, your hand is cold!" He scolded, making Minho roll his eyes and laugh.
"Way to ruin the moment, babe." The older rolled off Jisung and laid down next to him instead, facing the ceiling as well.

"I- No?" Jisung exclaimed before climbing on top of Minho. He took a hint at what was supposed to happen and he certainly didn't want it to not happen as Minho already got him into the mood.
Minho looked at him surprised, especially when he leaned down and started kissing and softly biting his neck. He felt Minho's arms snake around his waist, the older humming.
"I don't mind this side of yours." Minho whispered, making Jisung stop what he was doing and lock eyes with the boy beneath him. A smug smile was plastered on his face and Jisung couldn't help but smile as well. His eyes then shifted down to Minho's chest, a sudden wave of confidence overcoming him because of Minho's comment.

"I think you should get rid of that." He plucked at Minho's hoodie, only to be caught off guard when Minho pushed him off himself, straddling his lap once again and taking off his hoodie before throwing it somewhere near.
Jisung's mouth turned into an "o" and he caught himself staring at Minho's toned upper body. All his confidence vanished while Minho smirked at him.
"You mean like that?" The older asked, leaning down and sneaking his hands beneath Jisung's shirt again. The latter shuddered under his touch - partly because his hands were still a little cold, but mostly because of the way he softly stroked Jisung's skin.

The younger quickly lifted his upper body to help Minho take off his shirt as well and when Minho leaned down to kiss him, their skin getting in contact with each other's, a weird yet enjoyable feeling evolved Jisung's stomach.
"Minho." Jisung said quietly when the pulled away, feeling the need to let his boyfriend know some important information.
The older hummed, admiring Jisung's face on the meantime.
"I've never..." The blonde found himself not quite able to continue his sentence, yet figured that Minho would understand what he was trying to say.
Of course, Jisung wasn't a virgin anymore - but he'd never slept with a boy before and he was a little nervous, yet sure.

Minho gave him a reassuring smile and nodded.
"We haven't been dating for so long. Are you sure?" He asked and Jisung felt like melting right there on the spot. The way Minho asked for consent really turned him on and he nodded, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's neck.

Jisung was on cloud nine.


go read a bible >:(

(ha ha jk just wait till u read

i wrote and posted this entire
chapter while at work
in other words
i love my job

and yes it is short but
fucc it i know u enjoyed
this hanky-panky chapter

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