11 / i'll remember

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The next morning Jisung woke up feeling sick again, yet better than the day before

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The next morning Jisung woke up feeling sick again, yet better than the day before. Only this time it was actually the hangover that made him feel nauseous.

«Fuck, I have a hangover. » Jisung heard someone voice his own thoughts. He rolled onto his other side and peeked through the slit between the railing to see Seungmin sitting up in his bed. Jisung raised an eyebrow at the boy when their eyes met and Seungmin sighed.

«Don't act like you don't.» The younger huffed, leaning down to the floor to get a water bottle.
Jisung let out a weird noise of discomfort as he also sat up in his bed.
«What time is it?» He asked, patting around on his bed in search for his phone.

«Uh... seven thirty. We should get up and start packing.» Seungmin let out a long exhausted sigh and slid down until he was lying on his bed again, before abruptly sitting up again, placing his feet on the floor.
«I'm going to die today.» The boy mumbled, walking around the bed to Hyunjin's side and slapped the sleeping boy's cheek lightly. When he made sure that Hyunjin was awake, he did the same with Felix.

Jisung wanted to do without getting slapped by Seungmin and let himself slide down the ladder like melting ice cream.
«I'm never drinking alcohol again.»

«Nice joke.» Hyunjin rubbed his eyes sleepily, releasing a sigh afterwards.

«I know right.» Jisung replied, knowing just too well that he'd never obey his own rules . He had tried too many times to get out without alcohol but he could never resist. He knew exactly how good alcohol made him feel - at least a certain amount of it - hence he was always down for drinking with his friends.

«We really need to start packing.» Seungmin said, grabbing his suitcase from the floor and putting it onto the bed.
«Don't you want to get ready first?» Hyunjin snorted, getting up from the bed and Seungmin turned around to look at him for a second before releasing his suitcase and going to the bathroom without a word.

«Wow, Hyunjin is smarter than Seungmin for the first time in his life.» Felix chuckled, also finally leaving his bed.
«I don't like either of you.» Seungmin's slightly embarrassed and defeated voice was heard, making Jisung laugh.

In moments like these he realized how lucky he was to have his friends and how natural and honest they always were. He just loved how they'd always roast each other but never take it too seriously or how they could also talk about serious stuff and help each other out of any situation. Only one thing bothered Jisung. And that was that he couldn't tell them that he liked boys. Technically he could but he didn't know what they thought about such stuff and how they would react. It was just those typical worries someone who wanted to come out had.

While packing Jisung thought back to last night. They had played that weird game Tzuyu had proposed and Seungmin had had to hug and kiss Minho. Jisung's mood immediately dropped and he grumpily stuffed his shirt into his suitcase. But then he remembered that he had had to take a selfie with Minho and post it on Snapchat. The brunte quickly dropped his hair brush that he was just about to put into his suitcase and pat his jeans pockets, looking for his phone. Had he saved the picture?

When he had pulled out his phone he wasted no time in opening Snapchat and dragging down the profile section to see if the snap was still in his story. A relieved unconscious sigh escaped his lips when he saw it was still there. He opened it and tapped the save button before looking at the selfie carefully.  Minho had put his arms around Jisung's shoulder and leaned his head against Jisung's while he himself only held up a peace sign.

Jisung's eyes completely shifted to Minho in the picture. He was wearing that cute smile that Jisung liked so much. The boy felt his heart skip a beat when another memory came through to him. The one of Minho not moving back to his own seat but staying beside Jisung and even telling Felix to scoot over. Jisung felt his heart skip a beat. Did that mean anything? Or had Minho just been drunk? The brunet swiped over to see that he had an unopened snap from Minho. How hadn't he noticed? His heart picked up pace in no time and he tried to pull himself together. It was just a snap.  A simple snap. Maybe Minho had only accidentally sent him a snap or something like that.

With shaking fingers Jisung lightly tapped on the icon and a picture of Minho popped up along with a caption.

«Can you send me the selfie please?» A yellow heart was attached to the message.

Jisung took in a deep breath and looked at Minho's selfie. He had sent him a selfie.

«Okay.» Jisung mumbled to himself in an effort to calm himself down. He couldn't freak out over some simple snap - that for sure couldn't be healthy in any way. He typed in an «okay» and opened the emoji keyboard. Should he add a heart just like Minho? Or would that come off weird? Another emoji maybe?

After thinking about it for a few seconds Jisung decided to not add any emoji at all and use «sure» instead of «okay», he thought it  sounded kind of rude and uninterested. He then opened his memories and sent the picture to Minho and a second later the notification of Minho typing popped up. Jisung's heart once again started beating faster as he awaited Minho's message impatiently.

» thanks!
» when are you guys coming to get breakfast?

Jisung wasted no time in replying.

» we're still packing but i guess in some minutes

» oh come sit with us then we're already here x

Jisung typed in one last message before shutting off his phone and quickly putting it back into his back pocket, and continued packing - with Minho on his mind the whole time however. He couldn't wait to go downstairs for breakfast and all his nausea was suddenly gone, replaced with nervousness.


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