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***credits to rightful owner***

«So getting to know each other...»
Jisung watched as Minho put a portion of Spaghetti Aglio e Olio onto his plate - one of his favorite dishes, and he wondered if it was coincidence or if Minho had known somehow.
«...means being honest.»
The younger looked up at Minho surprised by that statement. Nevertheless, he nodded, knowing that Minho was right.
«So, let's be honest from the beginning, alright?» After putting a portion onto his own plate as well, Minho put the pan aside and took a seat in front of Jisung, a small smile on his lips.
«I'm not saying we should tell each other our deepest and darkest secrets right away. It's just about answering truthfully.»

Jisung looked at Minho, surprised by how mature the older seemed. He was only a year older than him, yet Jisung felt like he was sitting at this table with some formerly married man. And he didn't know what he thought about that, but he did know that he liked the way Minho was being straight forward. It was something that could prevent embarrassing situations. However, if Minho was being straight forward, Jisung had to be, too - and that meant stepping out of his comfort zone and pushing aside his shyness and nervousness.

Meaningless conversations, smalltalk, awkward silences, the urge to escape the entire situation. Those had always been Jisung's assumptions for a first date. Any first date. They were all easily disproven, however, by Minho.

«Blond? Really? Were you inspired by me?» Minho laughed and turned around to face Jisung who he had been talking to while doing the dishes. He had just put away the last plate and put his attention on the younger who had just told him that he was thinking about dying his hair blond.

«No, I just- No, I mean it looks good on you. So I thought, maybe, maybe I could try it, too.» Jisung felt his cheeks flush out of embarrassment and leaned against the kitchen island behind him.
«Hm, it'll look good on you, too.» Minho stated calmly, taking a step closer to Jisung, for the first time not making the younger's heart pace quicken. It wasn't as much as Jisung didn't like Minho anymore all of a sudden, but rather he had learned to feel comfortable about the older after he had gotten to know him more. It almost felt like him and Minho had been friends for years.

Minho extended his arms and gently put his hands on Jisung's waist, pulling him away from the kitchen island and closer to himself. The younger felt calm upon locking eyes with Minho and he couldn't help but smile in that moment. He realized that he had actually achieved something after all. After years of hopelessly crushing on his classmate, he was finally standing there in his arms.

Jisung bit his lower lip to stop his smile from spreading, only for Minho to lean in and connect their lips. The brunet didn't waste any time in responding to the kiss as his eyes fluttered shut and he placed his hands on Minho's neck, slightly tilting his head.
This time the kiss lasted longer. It felt like there was more meaning behind it than when they had first kissed. The feeling of their lips slowly moving against each other's and Minho pulling him even closer by his waist made the butterflies inside him go wild.

Even though Jisung wanted to stay like this and savor the feeling of Minho's lips on his, they pulled away to catch their breaths, both smiling happily. There was a silence between them as no words needed to be said - they just stared into each other's eyes, forgetting the world around them. Subconsciously, Jisung moved his hands up to Minho's cheeks, cupping his face in the process, and pulling him in for another kiss, which didn't last as long, yet gave Jisung the feeling the craved so much.

Minho hummed in satisfaction when the pulled away again, releasing Jisung's waist and instead taking the younger's hands into his.
«So, are we dating now?»

Admittedly, Jisung's first thought to that was ‹hell yes!›, but something stopped him. He needed to clear something up first, and he hated himself for having to do so, scared that Minho might misunderstand.

«Uh, like, how?» was everything the brunet managed to say at that moment, not yet sure of how to put what he actually wanted to say.
Unexpectedly, Minho didn't exactly seem to understand what he was implying as the older raised his eyebrows, lowering their hands. Jisung quickly tightened his grip on Minho's hands, afraid that he wanted to let them go and trying to reassure him that he wasn't trying to say no.

«I mean, what about...do you...want people to know?» the younger eventually asked, his voice a littler quieter and cautious. Upon hearing that, Minho seemed to instantly understand and squeezed Jisung's hands.
«You're not out yet either?»
Jisung shook his head, honestly not surprised by the fact that nobody knew that Minho liked boys.

«We'll keep it secret. Until you're ready to tell people. Is that alright?» Minho seemed to carefully pick his words, examining Jisung's face for any signs of discomfort or disapproval.
«What about you?» The younger asked, wondering why Minho hadn't included himself when he talked about ‹being ready›. The blonde only smiled reassuringly, making Jisung feel warm and calm again.
«I'm ready when you are.»

Jisung melted at those words, best wanting to lean in and kiss Minho again, but instead he detached his hands from Minho's and wrapped his arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. His sudden gesture seemed to have startled the older as he only hesitantly wrapped his arms around Jisung's body.
For some reason it felt good to just be hugging for a while. Jisung felt like a hug said more than words could - and apparently Minho felt that way, too, since he didn't ask any question.

«It's getting late.» Jisung heard Minho's soft whisper right next to his ear, making his eyes flutter shut. He knew that Minho was trying to say that he should go home, but he didn't want to. He wanted to stay in that hug forever. So he only hummed, neither in approval nor disapproval to which Minho chuckled softly and freed himself from Jisung's arms with an amused smile, making the brunet pout the slightest.

Nevertheless, the two eventually found themselves in front of the door, Jisung internally refusing to leave, yet not wanting to appear too clingy.
«See you at school tomorrow.» Jisung smiled sheepishly at Minho, his eyes not once leaving the older's.
«Definitely.» Minho replied, winking at Jisung with a smug smile.

While Jisung was walking back to his house, he figured he hadn't imagined Minho winking that one time after school. In fact, he realized that Minho had been dropping hints all along and he himself had just been too stupid to notice.


so basically the fanart in the
beginning was a spoiler for the
whole chapter but nvm

i reaaaally wanna finish this story
before i start the new minsung ff but
for some reason this story is nowhere
near its end so ig i'll just be writing 2
stories simultaneously soon

thank u guys for 20k reads ily <3

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