4 / by your side

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«Stop bluffing and get your lazy ass up before I grab you by your ugly shirt and drag you out of this room

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«Stop bluffing and get your lazy ass up before I grab you by your ugly shirt and drag you out of this room.»

«Hey, no need to insult my clothing.» Jisung pouted and looked down at his simple white shirt just to figure there was nothing really wrong with it.

«Wow, last time I've seen Seungmin this raged was when Felix snatched his coke during lunch break last month.» Hyunjin whistled and leaned against the wall by his bed.

Jisung was currently sitting on Felix's bed, curled up in a corner, looking at his best friend in disbelief. After he had told his roommates that he wasn't feeling well and hence didn't want to go to the harbor with everyone else, Seungmin had immediately figured out that the boy was lying and started threatening him to get out of the bed.

«He knows you too well, I guess.» Felix released a sigh and propped himself up on his forearm to face Seungmin who only rolled his eyes.
«Whatever reason you have that makes you not want to tag along, if I don't believe your lies, then the teacher won't. Now get ready. All of you.»

«All of you.» Felix mimicked Seungmin's bossing but nevertheless got up from his bed to get ready. Jisung and Hyunjin also obeyed and left their beds.

«How much time do we have left?» Hyunjin disappeared in the bathroom, awaiting an answer. After a short silence, Seungmin's voice was heard.
«About fifteen minutes.»
«What?!» Hyunjin's head popped out of the bathroom, his eyes wide in disbelief. Felix didn't say anything but started hurrying through the room in a pace none of his friends had ever seen him move around in. Only Jisung stayed calm and continued combing his hair. And Seungmin was ready anyways.

«What about the weather? Will it be okay if I put on a denim jacket?» Jisung questioned, more to himself than his roommates, but got an answer from Hyunjin who finally left the bathroom.
«A denim jacket is always okay. Besides, it will look good with your outfit.»

Jisung grabbed his jacket and swiftly put it on before going to the bathroom to take a look at himself in the mirror. Hyunjin was right, the jacket perfectly complemented his plain white shirt and denim jeans.
«Put on a necklace. It'll look cool.»
If it weren't for Jisung's good reflexes, he probably wouldn't have caught the necklace Felix had thrown towards him all of a sudden.
«Is this yours?» Jisung turned back to the mirror to put on the silver accessory, briefly glancing at his best friend behind him through the mirror. The younger boy only nodded in response.
«Looks good. Just as I thought.»

Clapping was heard and all of the three boys popped their heads out from where they currently were to see Seungmin standing by the door with an impatient look on his face.
«Are you guys ready? We need to go.»

«I was born ready.» Felix smoothed out his shirt with a content smile and stepped next to Seungmin.

Their next program point was mainly made out of going to a district by the harbor by bus and walking around a bit, led by some lady that worked for the city council. Only when the class had arrived by the actual harbor, the sun was already starting to set slowly, the lady left them and the students were to follow the teacher.

On their way to the open-air pub that their teacher had told them they were going to, Jisung kept taking photos of almost everything. Everything he found pretty. And considering the setting sun was immersing everything in orange light, everything seemed pretty.

When they walked over a bridge that led over a small river, they got a perfect view of Busan's skyline. Jisung quickly pulled out his phone to take a shot and smiled when he saw how beautiful the picture had turned out on his phone.

He was so lost in the scenery that he hardly noticed the person standing next to him, leaning against the railing.
Only when the brunet turned his head to look at the person that was seemingly enjoying the view, he realized that Minho was that person.
Internally, he instantly panicked, but on the outside he tried to shrug it off as much as he could. He looked around just to see that most of the students were spread around on the bridge, taking pictures or just standing around and talking. Only on the spot Jisung and Minho were standing on was no one.

How could that be?, Jisung thought. Why had Minho come to stand right next to him?
The boy didn't say anything, even though he would have really wanted to, and quickly let his phone slide into his pocket before rushing away to look for Seungmin and Felix, letting Minho stand there alone.


i feel like no one's reading this story
am i supposed to be sad
i swear there's going to be more minsung soon just hold on 🥺

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