1 / innocent love

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Jisung tugged his hands in his lap

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Jisung tugged his hands in his lap. His heart was beating at what felt like 60 miles per hour, felt like it was about to combust any second.

No, Jisung wasn't sitting in a job interview. He wasn't writing his finals. Neither was he about to hold a presentation in front of class.

The reason that got Jisung so nervous was simply Minho.
Minho sitting right in front of him, turned around in his chair which was slightly tilted towards Jisung's and Seungmin's table, currently talking to Seungmin.

It didn't even take Minho to talk personally to Jisung. Minho alone talking to the person sitting next to Jisung was sufficient to cause the boy's heart to go wild and his stomach to feel weird things.

«How can one not like beer? So uncultured.» Changbin rolled his eyes and snickered softly, making Minho nod in agreement and Seungmin scowl in disgust and disagreement.
«Beer's nasty.» The boy next to Jisung stated.

Jisung, of course, agreed with his best friend, but he was too shy to contribute to the conversation as Minho was part of it. Normally, Jisung liked discussing and debating things with other people, but when Minho was around, he hesitated a lot to say anything at all as he was too scared to say something that would embarrass him or make Minho think he was weird.
So he just sat there quietly next to Seungmin, his eyes continuously wandering from Minho to Seungmin, from Seungmin to Changbin, and back to Minho.
He sat there like he was part of the conversation, and he felt like he was because he'd add things in his head, not saying them out loud however, but in reality he was just sitting there, more or less awkwardly, listening to the others argue about what kind of alcoholic drink was the best.

«Woah, Jisung, remember when we were at that one festival and we couldn't buy any alcohol besides beer? And then we went to get a one and half liters pitcher and we forced ourselves to drink all of it just because we wanted to get drunk and had nothing else.»
Seungmin laughed after finishing his sentence, locking eyes with Jisung.

Minho and Changbin also brought their attention to the brunet who felt his cheeks grow warm, knowing that Minho was looking at him.
Jisung dared to take a quick glance at Minho before quickly averting his gaze again and looking towards Seungmin.

«Yeah, I remember.» Jisung answered in a quiet voice. He felt like Minho's gaze was burning holes into his skin, making him more tense than he already was.
«But at least it was better than Desperados.» He added, trying to seem like he had an idea of alcoholic drinks.
It wasn't like he hadn't, in fact he had tried more drinks in his life than Felix and that shall mean something, but in his very nervous state he suddenly felt like he didn't have a clue of anything at all.

«Ohh, right. I also hate Desperados!»

Jisung's eyes slightly widened at the sound of Minho's voice responding to his statement and he turned his head to face the older.
A wave of relief hit him as he realized that he had just found a mutuality between them and that Minho had reacted well. Jisung's lips curled into a smile, receiving the same gesture from Minho.
And if Jisung's heart hadn't been beating fast enough the whole time, it was now beating even faster.

«What? I love that stuff. You guys really have no idea.» Changbin replied, lightly slapping Minho's shoulder.
Just when Seungmin was about to open his mouth and reply to Changbin's statememt, the classroom door opened and their English teacher entered the room.

«We'll continue this conversation another time.» Changbin smirked at the two younger boys before scooting his chair back to his and Minho's table. Minho did the same and Jisung's smile fell when Minho didn't even give him a last glance.

Jisung knew it was dumb to get his hopes up everytime he made eye contact with Minho or when Minho smiled at him, but he couldn't help it. It just gave him that weird comforting feeling that he liked so much.
To his dread, however, he also had to witness too many times Minho be in contact with his other classmates, laughing and joking around.
But what could he do? They both had their own group of friends and even though they had one common friend, Jisung didn't seem to be getting any closer to Minho. Apart from those little conversations in their English classes, which were mainly favored by their seats as Minho and Changbin were sitting right in front of Jisung and Seungmin, there was almost no other interaction between the two.

But for some reason, that Jisung couldn't even explain to himself, he always had that tiny spark of hope that Minho might like him back after all.

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