14 / side effects

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Jisung felt the slightest hint of surprise when someone tapped his shoulder

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Jisung felt the slightest hint of surprise when someone tapped his shoulder. Although he was back-facing the person who had tried to get his attention, he already could tell who that person might've been. Therefore, he didn't bother turning around and simply waited for his best friend to take his seat next to him. As Seungmin pulled out his chair and plopped down onto it, he released a sigh.

«Feels good to be back, doesn't it?»

Jisung tilted his head a little and raised an eyebrow.
«Does it?»

In response, Seungmin folded his arms and also tilted his head at Jisung.
«Of course. Look, our good ol' English classroom with our good ol' seats and good ol' Minho entering the classroom to sit right in front of us.»
The corner of Seungmin's lips curled up as he said the last part of his sentence and his eyes looked past Jisung to where the classroom's door was.

Jisung's first impulsive reaction to that was slapping Seungmin's arm, resulting in the harmed boy groaning dramatically.

«I'm not sure if everyone is too happy or I'm just in a bad mood.»
Changbin leaned back in his chair as soon as he had sat down, and crossed his arms behind his head. Minho, who had by then settled into his seat as well, let out a small laugh before turning in his seat to face Seungmin and Jisung, flashing them a gentle smile - and Jisung didn't know if that was his plain imagination or if Minho had actually looked at him especially

Nevertheless, Jisung felt his usual giddiness around Minho. A funny warmth spread in his stomach when they locked eyes and suddenly Jisung forgot how to talk when Minho greeted him with a simple ‹Hi.›
This was the first time something like that happened to the brunet. He had never gone this speechless around Minho, so what was his deal right now?
His cheeks started growing warm and Jisung best wanted to curl up and die from embarrassment.
A few days ago only he had managed to walk and talk a little with Minho, and now he wasn't even able to say Hello.

To the boy's great luck, just then their English teacher walked in and Minho turned back around, confused, to face the teacher, saving Jisung from any further possible embarrassment.
Seungmin must've noticed Jisung's strange behavior as he lightly nudged his arm, giving him a questioning look.
Instead of saying something, Jisung signaled him that he didn't know what had gotten into him either.

Throughout the whole lesson, Jisung could barely focus on what the teacher was talking about, and it must have been a miracle the teacher didn't once call him up. Jisung's mind had been on Minho the entire time and he kept replaying the situation from the beginning of class, how he got so incredibly flustered, in his head.
Everytime Minho's face appeared in his mind's eye, with those dark yet sparkling eyes and that cute smile, which made him resemble a cat a little bit, Jisung got flustered all over again.
In fact, he felt like whatever his feelings toward the older boy were, they were growing stronger.
Hence, Jisung slowly started regretted having had all those interactions with Minho on their school trip. If it hadn't been for those, maybe he would've just kept a casual crush on Minho and eventually even lost interest.
He had dug his own grave.

When their class had ended, Jisung felt a wave of relief overcome him. His English class was the only class he shared with Minho, so he couldn't help but feel a little bit better at the thought of not having to directly face Minho that day anymore.
A few weeks ago he would've had tried to be as close to Minho as possible, but now everything seemed to have changed, Jisung couldn't really get a hold of it.

The boy remained in his seat when the bell rang and waited for Minho and Changbin to leave the room before getting up and heading to his next class himself. He watched Minho thoroughly as the older stood up, swiftly swinging his backpack over his shoulder and making his way past the tables towards the door. He did not once look back at Jisung, thus Jisung couldn't get caught staring.
Minho was wearing plain black jeans with a black t-shirt and a white, unbuttoned shirt on top. It really suited him, Jisung thought.

Seungmin must've noticed Jisung's plan of waiting for the older boys to leave first, as he didn't leave without Jisung and waited for him to finish staring until Minho was out of their sight.

«You are», Seungmin eventually stood up, grabbing his backpack, «a lost cause.»

Even though Jisung completely agreed with his best friend on that point, he didn't say anything and finally stood up to leave as well, heaving a sigh.

Unfortunately, Jisung's assumption of not having to see Minho the rest of the day was quickly disproven.
They had finished their classes and Seungmin and him were currently walking across the parking lot. Out of nowhere, however, Minho appeared, stopping the two boys in their tracks.

«Minho?» Seungmin questioned, slightly confused at the boy's sudden appearance. The older, however, only smiled, making Jisung only melt away - against his will.

«Hey, I was wondering if you guys wanted to come hang out at Hyunjin's house later? He was going to ask you guys himself, but it seems he didn't get to. So..?»

To say that Jisung was surprised by that invitation would be an understatement. Not in a million years would he have alone thought about Minho inviting them somewhere. Of course, Hyunjin was also their friend, but the invitation explicitly coming from Minho got Jisung a little startled. He thought that after the school trip they would go back to being casual classmates, occasionally interacting.

Jisung - surprisingly quick - managed to snap out of it and replied.
«Um, yeah, sure... I guess.»

Minho seemed to be surprised by the answer - or perhaps by the fact that Jisung was the one answering - as his eyes widened the slightest in surprise and he looked at Jisung. The younger boy couldn't tell if it was a good or a bad thing and he immediately turned insecure.
The blond's surprised expression disappeared as quickly as it had appeared, and instead a smile found its way on his face again.

«Great. I suppose you know where Hyunjin lives. Just join us whenever you want, I'll be going there right now.»

«You are going there right now?»
Seungmin voiced Jisung's thoughts. The way Minho had said it, it sounded like Minho was the only one going there besides him and Seungmin, and of course Hyunjin himself.

«Yeah, well, we were going to hang out just the two of us, but figured it'd be more fun if we invited you guys as well.»
Minho explained unbothered.

Jisung bit his lower lip. The less people there were gonna be, the more he'd feel nervous. Nonetheless, he nodded.

«Alright then, see you guys later.»
Minho flashed them one last happy smile before scurrying away, probably towards his car.

And if Jisung hadn't completely gone crazy, he could've sworn Minho had winked at him.
However, he decided to not confirm with Seungmin, in case he had actually only imagined that.


not me having a new crush again

does anyone else agree that this
world needs han jisung to do a full
cover of lee seungchul's "western sky"?
i hope y'all are getting enough !!

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