10 / snapping

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«Let's play Picolo

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«Let's play Picolo.» Tzuyu got up from where she had been sitting next to Minho.

Jisung, who had had to settle down next to Chan on the double bed, kept eyeing the girl on each move.
Him and his roommates had arrived at Minho's room later than Hyebin and Tzuyu and when they had entered, Jisung had wanted to sit next to Minho like last time but to his dread, Tzuyu had already been settled next to her best friend, head leaning on his shoulder.

Only when she got up, Jisung could finally be more relaxed. He only hoped that Hyebin wouldn't get near him.

«Pico- what?« Hyunjin lifted his head and furrowed his eyebrows, receiving an eyeroll from Tzuyu.
«Picolo. It's kind of like Truth or Dare but cooler. I have an app.» The girl fished her phone from her jeans pocket and waved it a little with a smile.

«I'm in.» Minho then also got up from the bed and sat down on the floor, followed by Tzuyu. Jisung quickly reacted and also left his spot next to Chan to sit down on the floor opposite of Minho. «Me too.»
Seungmin seemed hesitant but eventually also climbed off the top bunk to sit next to Jisung. Hyunjin also decided to join them, settling down between Minho and Hyebin, and Jisung secretly thanked his friend for that. Felix was the last one to plop down between Jisung and Tzuyu. Only Chan, Jeongin and Changbin refused and stayed comfortable in their current positions.

«So it's just the 7 of us?» Tzuyu quickly glanced through the circle before typing away on her phone.
«Ok, so the players are: Me, Minho, Hyunjin, Hyebin, Seungmin, Jisung and Felix, right?» She read off her phone before lifting her head, looking around to confirm that she had added every player.

«Great, pour yourselves a cup before we start.» The brunette smiled putting a bottle of vodka and a bottle of orange juice in the middle, as well as some plastic cups.

Seungmin was the first to grab the bottle of vodka, making Jisung stare at him wide eyed. He would've never expected Seungmin to drink hard liquor, but the younger seemed carefree as he mixed his Screwdriver.

When everyone had filled their cups, Tzuyu announced the rules before starting the game. The rules were just as simple as the game - the tasks and questions included dirty ones and when a question was asked and someone gave an answer, no one was allowed to ask any further or comment on it.

The girl tapped on her phone to make the first task appear and smiled smugly when it did.
«What a start.» She lifted her gaze and looked directly at Hyunjin before saying the question out loud.

«Hyunjin, if you're embarrassed about the age you lost your virginity, take 3 sips.»

Everyone turned their head to the boy expectantly but Hyunjin didn't move. Minho raised an eyebrow at the boy but didn't say anything. Hyunjin only shrugged and shot Tzuyu a smile.
«I'd really like to start drinking but frankly, I'm not embarrassed.»

Jisung heard Hyebin chuckle and Seungmin next to him also seemed to hold back laughter.
«Well then.» Tzuyu tapped on her phone again.

«Minho and Hyebin, play thumb war. The loser takes 3 sips.»

Jisung's eyes shifted to Minho who smiled at Hyebin. To say the brunet felt jealous would be an understatement. He wished that it could've been him so he could do something near to holding Minho's hand - but it was Hyebin. Of course it was Hyebin.

Minho put out his hand and Hyebin took it, hooking her fingers in Minho's, her thumb pointing upwards.
«Go!» Hyunjin, who was sitting between the two, said and they immediately started. Their little game didn't last long and Minho eventually won.

Jisung held back a frown when Hyebin slightly stroked Minho's hand while releasing it. The girl then grabbed her cup and took three sips as ordered.

The rest of the game went by without that many inappropriate tasks and questions and everything Jisung had had to do where things like answer simple questions or give away sips when someone told him to.

Some of them even had to refill their cup and thus were already pretty drunk, to say the least. Jisung felt inebriated and he wanted it to finally be his turn again because he wanted to drink some more.

«Felix, lick Seungmin's cheek or take 2 sips.»

Seungmin groaned and wanted to lean away but Felix was quicker to lean over Jisung and briefly licked the younger's cheek. Jisung scrunched up his nose and Seungmin whined, rubbing his cheek with his sweater sleeve.
«Why do I have to suffer for this?»
The others laughed and Tzuyu continued with the next task.

At the question who had kissed someone of the same sex, Tzuyu and Hyebin where the only ones who took three sips, but no one was really surprised as they considered it a girl thing.

However the next task made Jisung tense up.

«Minho give Seungmin a hug or take three sips.»

Jisung's eyes worriedly shifted to Seungmin who seemed unbothered, as well as Minho. They looked like they didn't really care about giving each other a hug but Jisung felt like he was being betrayed. Seungmin didn't know that Jisung liked Minho, but he still didn't like the idea of his best friend hugging his crush.

Let alone the idea of his best friend kissing his crush as the next task demanded.

The brunet internally panicked. He had barely withstood seeing Minho hug Seungmin a few seconds ago and now Seungmin was supposed to kiss Minho. On the mouth.

«Oh no, do I really have to?» Seungmin scrunched up his nose and gave Tzuyu a pleading look. Jisung prayed that the girl would let this one slide so he wouldn't have to witness someone kiss Minho. On top of all a boy that wasn't him.

«Come on, don't be a bitch. Just a quick peck.» Tzuyu pursed her lips to form a kiss and smiled afterwards.
Seungmin sighed and looked over at Minho who didn't look too pleased by the idea either.
«Let's just get it over with.» The older also heaved a sigh and scooted over to Seungmin.

The younger hesitated a lot but eventually quickly leaned forward to connect their lips and pulled away not even a second later. Both of them blushed and Minho silently slid back to his original place next to Hyunjin.

Jisung felt an uncomfortable feeling in his chest and bit his tongue. He tried his best not to start crying. This was only a game. Only a game, he told himself and snapped out of his thoughts when he heard his name.

«Jisung, take a selfie with Minho and post it on Snapchat.»

The brunet moved his head to look at Minho who was already on his way to sit next to him.
Jisung forced a weak smile onto his lips and pulled out his phone from his back pocket. Minho made himself more comfortable next to Jisung as he put an arm around the younger's shoulders. Jisung slightly flinched but quickly opened Snapchat and lifted his phone so both of them could fit in the frame.

Minho smiled and tilted his head so it was touching Jisung's. The latter lifted his hand and formed a peace sign, smiling into the camera before shooting the pic. When Jisung put his phone down again to post the picture, Minho released his grip but didn't move away. Instead he made Felix scoot over a bit and with that his new seat was next to Jisung.


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