22 / lo$er = lo♡er

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Jisung's hand still tingled where Minho had grabbed it

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Jisung's hand still tingled where Minho had grabbed it. He was still having trouble understanding what had happened that day.
Minho's words reverberated in his head.


The brunet let out a groan and pressed his face into his pillow in frustration. It bothered him to an extent he couldn't even fall asleep.
What did Minho mean by that? Why hadn't he said anything else?
Jisung was beyond mad. Not at Minho, not even at himself but rather at the whole situation. It seemed like Minho was keeping him in the dark and Jisung couldn't do a goddamn thing about it.

The boy once again aggressively turned around in his bed so he was laying on his back, staring at the ceiling. He would never be able to fall asleep without knowing what Minho's intentions were.
Jisung screwed his eyes shut and gave another attempt to replaying what had happened only a few hours ago - in the hopes of finally figuring anything out.

«Good.» was Minho's reply to Jisung's hasty explanation that he did definitely not like Hyebin. Him then placing his palm on top of Jisung's sent shivers down Jisung's spine. His gaze was fixed on Minho and perhaps he even looked a little too shocked, he froze.
Minho, on the other hand, smiled warmly, stepping a little closer to the younger boy, so close that Jisung noticed the height difference between them. He had always assumed that Minho was about the same height but now that he was standing right in front of him like that - that close - Jisung didn't have to move his head, but he had to move his eyes up a little to meet Minho's.

Jisung didn't know what to do. Should he escape this situation or should he wait for Minho's next move? Either way, the only thing he could do was stand there and do nothing. In movies these kind of situations happened right before one character kissed the other.
But this wasn't a movie. This was Jisung's life and he didn't know what to do with it in that moment.

Was Minho actually planning on kissing him?
Jisung was filled with a variety of emotions as a result of that notion. But he couldn't get too excited, not now, not with Minho.
He gulped, getting more nervous with every second that Minho just stood there and looked at him with that stupid smile of his that reminded Jisung of just how much he liked the older.

As if Minho's right hand resting on top pf Jisung's wasn't enough, he extended his left hand, gently placing it on the boy's cheek.

He was going to kiss him, wasn't he? The situation wouldn't suggest anything else. The way he looked at Jisung, and how he oh so softly stroked Jisung's hot cheek with his thumb-

«C'mon, I'll take you home.»
It was like the invisible soft pink cloud around Jisung just crumbled and turned into a sticky, annoying liquid on the ground, trapping him where he was as Minho retracted both his hands and turned away to walk away.

«You coming?» He called out to Jisung when he realized the younger wasn't following him, and only then did Jisung start moving, catching up to Minho with furrowed eyebrows.
What had just happened?

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