Chapter 2

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I stepped out onto the thin layer of snow and made my way over to my family's vehicle. I hadn't even noticed it was snowing last night, but I enjoyed the crunching noises and the trails it left behind. The only thing that showed that I had been there.

Getting into the car I quickly turned on the heat and buckled myself in and then started making my way to the high school. It was a twenty-five minute drive that went by surprisingly fast, and soon enough I was parked at the back of the school with thirty minutes to spare. I parked in my usual spot and got out to walk in the school to my locker.

Today's Tuesday so today consists of math first, then science, art, and then lastly PE which is by far my least favorite subject. I've always hated it and I most likely always will. (Probably cause I can't tell my right foot from my left, but let's not talk about that)

Once at my locker, I put in the code and opened it to reveal a very bare locker. Lots of people have photos and different friendly notes that litter the inside of their lockers. But like I said before, I have no friends to fill the photos, and happy notes are really not my thing.

I threw a bunch of my textbooks into my locker and also my gym bag, and then waited around for the warning bell to sound. I watched as friends greeted each other and exchanged warm welcomes. A part of me longed to have at least one friend, but I knew that could never happen. Most people act like I'm invisible, but if I get a rare moment where someone has to interact with me, it usually involves a look of pure disgust on their faces.

I took my phone out of the back pocket of my jeans and checked the time, but also so I could pretend to be on it. It helps with the invisible part, so I'm usually glued to my phone while I wait for a bell to ring.


The warning bell sounded, telling me to put my phone away and get to class. I obliged reluctantly and started walking to math class. My math class wasn't that far away from my locker, and I got there in less than a minute. I heaved a quiet sigh as I walked through the doorway, knowing today was going to be filled with the same boring schedule. Go to school, complete classes, do homework, sleep, repeat.

As I had predicted, (wasn't that hard to do) the morning went by the exact same as always. Teacher does lesson, and then hands out homework. Very very boring.

After science, I headed to my locker, and then groaned in my head once I remembered what the weather was like. I usually always spend my lunch time outside, but today it was cold out and had snow everywhere, so instead I decided to go to my art class early to draw.

"Good afternoon, Raven." Ms. Bell said with a smile as I walked over the threshold of her classroom, clutching my sketchbook. She wore a floral dress that accentuated her curves and had her brown hair piled up at the back of her head. Her glasses had always made her light brown eyes look enormous on her round face, but today with her hair back, they looked almost unnatural.

"Afternoon." I replied, trying my best to return the smile and sitting down at my usual spot in the back of the class.

"Never been quite fond of this sort of weather." Ms. Bell half-shouted to me from her desk at the front of the classroom, attempting to make small talk.

Even if I looked normal, I couldn't make or keep small talk going so there was no way in hell I could have a friend. "Yeah." I said, looking down at the black cover of my sketchbook, slightly embarrassed by my late and quiet response.

Ms. Bell let out a sigh and then stood up. "I'll be right back." She clearly gave up on starting conversation with me, so I watched her waddle her way out of the class.

With a small frown on my face, I took out my pencils from my bag and continued my drawing of the woods outside the school that I had started last class.

I had been so entranced by the dark lines that my pencil made, that I hadn't even noticed when Ms. Bell returned. I only realized she came back when the end of lunch bell rang, and I jumped from the sudden noise. I clutched my pencil and closed my eyes as I got my heart to beat back to a steady rhythm. When I opened my eyes I looked over at the door and saw the students start to trickle in.

I looked away and then focused back onto the paper in front of me. Drawing had always been like a safety net that I could fall on when I needed it. The pencil just felt so natural in my hand, and I loved how I could express myself with just a piece of blank paper and a sharp pencil. Although no one really cared, I still loved it.

I wasn't exactly sure what the drawing of the woods meant, but I'll probably find out soon. Everything has a meaning.

I was so into my sketch that I hadn't even realized it when someone sat down next to me. The seat next to me had always been empty.

I curiously looked up from my drawing to see who decided to sit with me. A boy I'd never seen before placed his backpack down by his feet and rested a pale hand on his thigh. He has short-ish black hair that was slicked back slightly. His eyes were just as dark as his hair.

He looked down at me suddenly, almost as if he could feel my stare. I quickly looked away from him and down at my sketch, letting my hair fall to hide me from this stranger. I could feel his eyes bore into me as Ms. Bell tells all the chatting students to silent down.

"Now, class, I'd like to introduce our new student. Axel Emerson."

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