Chapter 13

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"Emma, watch out."

I'm in my PE class, playing basketball again. Mr. Parker had insisted I have another shot with the ball, after I specifically said no over a million times. All of the girls on the court had gotten out of the way while I was with the ball, after remembering what happened with Jessica the last few times.

Speaking of Jessica, she hasn't returned since yesterday during textiles. She was probably still at the hospital with Elijah, which I haven't heard anything about since Jessica's breakdown. So I don't know if he's getting better or not.

A small part of me wants him to get better. Mostly because I'm not a bad person.

But the other part of me just wants him to stay in the hospital, in his little coma or whatever he's in. It's been actually enjoyable having him not here. I don't need to peek around corners or hide behind random people in an attempt to avoid Elijah and his crew. I've also really enjoyed not being beat up, like I had.

"Ok, everyone can get changed now. I'll see you all next class." Mr. Parker shouted from where he stood in the middle of the gym.

I changed out of my gym strip once in the girls' change room and then went to wait by the door with all the other students, for the bell to ring.

I then think back to what happened with Axel. I had sat there, under the tree, continuing to look behind me and wondering what had happened. I had absolutely no idea, so I packed up my bag and got up. I walked to the change room, and got changed into my gym clothes. Gym class starting not too long after.

The bell rang just then, breaking me from the memory. I then make my way towards my art class, and towards Axel.

When I got to the door of the classroom, my eyes immediately went to the back of the class. Sure enough, Axel was sitting at the window seat, looking up at me as I made my way to the seat next to him.

"What happened at lunch?" I ask him, as I sit down.

"I had forgotten my science textbook in my locker and I needed it for the class after lunch." He lied.

I looked away from him with a scowl on my face and up to Ms. Bell who had started the class. This was the second or maybe even the hundredth time he had lied right to my face. I sat, ignoring his stare, as our teacher explained the project. It was quite hard trying to listen to what she was saying, but when she was finally done I looked down at my blank piece of paper she had given out last class. For the project we are supposed to sketch out our desk partner. We have today's class and next week's classes to have it completed for marks.

"Why are you mad this time?" He questioned, after the teacher told us to get started.

I turn to him with my angry expression still on my face. "Cause I know you're lying to me."

"Do you want me to get out my textbook?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "It's right here in my bag."


"Ok then..." He looked away from me, down at my blank paper. "Looks like you're gonna have to ruin your paper anyways."

I tried to keep my expression the way it was, but it was very hard because he started posing.

"What angle do you want me? This way," he turned facing the left, "or this way," facing the right.

I couldn't hold the laugh that was fighting its way out, so I gave up and just let it out. He stopped posing and laughed with me.

A few people looked back to see what we were laughing about, but I didn't care. Neither did Axel apparently. Lots of the popular girls in the front of the class shot back glares at me which sort of ruined my happy mood. But only a little.

"We better start the drawings." I said, after I could control my laughter.


We both spent the rest of the class drawing, and occasionally looking over at each other. His drawing started off pretty good, but by the end of the class it sort of looked a bit disproportionate. My eyes were way too round and my face looked too filled out and healthy. If he could hollow out my face a little bit and make my eyes less of a Tim Burton character, it would have been a very good and realistic drawing of me.

I've had many years of drawing and sketching that my drawing came out very realistic. I had no idea why Ms. Bell gave us this class and the next few, because both Axel and I finished it by the end of the hour.

We were now just comparing each other's drawings. I held my piece of paper up right by his face and then remembered something.

I had completely forgotten about the mark on his neck that I had seen the first time I met him. His black jacket still covered it up, and now that I remembered it, I really want to know what it is and why he has to keep it covered up. 

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