Chapter 24

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No. No. NO.

He had killed Elijah with no remorse. Did he kill my parents too? And if so, then how? Why? What would I even do if he said so? Would I really run away, like he had stated I would?

I could see he was watching me carefully, to see what I would do.

"What about them?" My voice seemed disconnected from my brain and very far away. I could also feel some rising tears at the thought of him killing my parents. "Did you hurt them?" I whispered, unable to talk any louder.

The pained expression came back. "No, it wasn't me..." He looked away once again, towards the window. Pain mixed with anger. "It was you."

He had said it so quietly, that I had thought I had mistaken what he said. But the expression he was giving me, told me that I had heard him right. I sat there, frozen, not knowing what to do, and then all of a sudden I remembered the night they did not return, the night they went missing. I had a dream. Or was it a dream? Was it there screams in the dream, or whatever it was?

I had woken up covered in dirt, but how? How could I have done that? How could I have killed them both? I wasn't the strongest, so how had I done it?

And yes, I had wished both my parents would disappear, but I never actually meant what I said. Why would anyone actually want their parents dead?

I sat down on my bed looking down at my hands.

There were now two murderers in my room. Not just one.

"How?" I breathed, looking up at him.

"I don't know, all I know is that while I was out for a walk, I witnessed you dragging your mother out of the car and into the woods, with a knife. I don't know where your father had gone, and I just waited around until you finally came out. You were covered in dirt, but surprisingly no blood. I'm not sure how you managed that."

I had listened to what had happened, in complete and utter shock. No way had I done that. No way that I had taken two people's lives, my parent's lives. I was too shocked and terrified to move or cry or do anything. I just sat there staring at Axel, as he stared back and waited.

You may be wondering why I would have been terrified, well for one I didn't know what I was capable of, and secondly I didn't want to hurt Axel as I had hurt and killed my parents.

I sat there, for what seemed like forever, thinking. Had the police found the murder weapon, that I had hide yet? Where was it even hidden? And why couldn't I remember any of this? All I remember was the red-eyed monster.

"What about the-" I stopped and tried to find a good way to word what I was trying so hard to say. "The night I-" I had to take a breath. "The night I killed my parents, it was like a dream. I remember running and then I also remember this... thing. It had red eyes and was at least seven feet tall, and then I remember blacking out and... that was it"

The more I had gone on, the paler Axel's face got. I could tell he knew exactly what I was talking about.

"Well?" I urged.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He lied.

"I think you do."

"Then you're wrong." He snapped back.

"Stop lying to me! That's all you've ever done!" I was slowly getting angrier and angrier.

"You're not ready." He stated, clenching his jaw and trying his best to control his anger.

I was at the point where I wanted so badly to punch something, or someone. I looked away from him and closed my eyes. A few minutes later, I looked back at him, no longer angry.

I didn't know how to feel.

"Get out." I whispered to him.

He looked taken aback for a second before nodding and standing up. "I'm really sorry. I'll see you tomorrow." He walked over to the door, but just before he closed it he said, "I love you."

I waited until I heard his car leave the driveway, before I laid back down. I had no idea what to do. I didn't want to talk to any cops tomorrow, and I didn't feel like seeing Axel either.

I laid there, wanting all my questions answered. What were my parents last thoughts, seeing me there with a knife? What will happen when the cops find out it was me? Why was Axel lying to me? And what was he lying to me about?

After a while of this, I finally knew what needed to be done. I rolled over to look at the time, it was 1:27. I have to get started.

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