Chapter 21

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"Raven, are you alright?" The principal had come forward and knelt next to me, placing one of his hands on my shoulder. "Raven?"

"When?" I asked, looking up to Lopez.

"We found the vehicle at the edge of the woods. It looked like they had been driving home from work on Wednesday, when they drove off the road. They must have been pulled out of the car and dragged through the woods."

I let in a shaking breath that quaked on the way out. "Where? Where exactly?"

"The car was found a mile and a half south from here, and their bodies were found a couple hundred yards into the woods from the vehicle."

I looked away from them and instead down at my shaking hands. I just wish they would all go away and leave me alone. All I want to do right now is cry.

The principal was still kneeling next to me and must have seen the tears glistening in my eyes. "This was a lot of information that you had to take in, so I'll excuse you from your French class. You should probably go home."

"We will let you have tonight by yourself to give you time to comprehend everything that happened and then tomorrow morning we will stop by your house to talk about your future." Lopez said.

I nodded my head once sharply, before getting up and walking past everyone. I opened the door and stepped out. Once out of the room and the door shut behind me, I started running. I needed to get fresh air into my lungs.

As soon as I slammed the door of one of the exits open, I ran straight to the woods. I didn't want anyone to see my crying.

It was darker than before. Dark grey clouds loomed over me as I ran towards the safety of the trees of the forest in front of me. I barely even got to the edge of the woods before the tears that had been forming, finally spilt over.

I continued to run, not caring where I was heading. Taking left and rights, as I swerved around tree trunks and their branches that seemed to want to snatch me from wherever I ran.

I had tripped a few times of course, but just got back up and continued on. At one point I even dropped my bag. I had no idea how long I had been running for, but soon enough, I became too tired to keep going. So eventually I just fell down and stayed on the ground and cried.

With the side of my face pressed against the cool soil of the dirt, I let out all my tears. My chest felt the pain in waves as each sob wracked my small body.

Once I was no longer able to cry anymore, I just laid there on the dirty ground. My clothes were completely dirty and torn, which I didn't really care about. My life was over.


The sound came from in front of me.

If I had been in any other situation, I would have probably gotten up and ran. But I didn't. I was in too much pain and agony to get up off of the ground.

To be honest, I don't really care if a bear came out from behind a tree and ate me. At least everything would be over.

I continued to stare in the direction of where I heard the noise and waited for whatever it was to show itself. But it wasn't coming.

I was literally just about to get up to investigate when I witnessed black smoke coming from behind the big tree that was in front of me. It came at me at a crawl. It came at me with so much agonizing slowness that all I wanted to do was get up and run into it. I probably would have, but then I got really tired.

I have been drained from crying several times before, but this was different. My movements were slowing and I was unable to pick myself back up from where I was still laying on the ground. My eyes then became very droopy, and it took all my will to keep them open which became harder to do every passing second.

Then just before I blacked out, a seven or eight foot monster stepped out from behind the tree and stared down at me with its large red eyes.

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