Chapter 16

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The whole class had gone silent except for the few girls who were trying to be quiet as they cried. I sat there with my mouth wide open from shock, as were most of the students in the class.

"There will be school counselors in the library throughout the day, if anyone needs to talk to someone." Mr. Johnson continued sadly. He then took a deep breath before talking again. "After school there will also be an assembly for Elijah. I expect all of you there."

Once finished the last sentence, he sat back down at his desk and let a few of the tears he had been holding back out.

Then three of the girls who had been crying all got up and walked over to our teacher. I heard the darker skinned girl, (who seemed to be the leader over her other two friends) whisper to Mr. Johnson. After getting his approval with just a nod of his head, the girls all opened the classroom door and walked out. I suspect they were heading to the library for the counselling they were promised.

After one of the girls closed the door behind them, I watched Mr. Johnson pluck one of the tissues from the tissue box that was next to him on his table and wipe away the few tears that were streaming down his cheeks.

Of course he, and most likely all of the teachers and staff would be crying for the popular boy they all cherished and loved. If it had been me there instead of him, there probably wouldn't be a whole river of tears, and there most definitely wouldn't be an after school assembly for me.

All of a sudden, harsh whispers erupted from the center of the room. A lot of people, well most people, thought all of this was some sick joke. (I sort of did as well... at first)

Obviously I didn't join in on any of the conversations that were swirling around in the room, but I did sit there and listen to it all with my mouth still hanging open.

When our teacher finally got himself back together, he stood back up from his chair and quieted the class down. "Today will most likely be a slower day than usual. Don't worry, I won't be handing out any homework for this weekend. This should be time to grieve and help out Mr. and Ms. Lewis. Both of whom will be at the assembly after school." He then took a deep breath that shook on the way out before continuing. "I'll be right back."

I watched as he scrambled to get out of the class. After the door closed behind him, the class started talking again.

"What the fuck." I heard someone yell out from across the classroom.

"This can't be happening." Someone else said.

"Poor Jessica."

I had snapped my mouth shut and watched all the disbelief on everyone's faces. I too probably had the same look on my features.

All the talking went on for a bit longer, until our teacher came back looking worse than when he had left. His eyes were now really red and puffy, and he was carrying a whole bunch of tissue boxes in his long arms. The way all the boxes were balanced on his arms and the way they fell down onto his table, it looked almost comedic. If it hadn't been for this circumstance, I probably would have laughed.

"If anyone needs some tissues, just come up to my desk and grab a box." He said as he sat back down with one of the boxes in his lap and a tissue pressed against one of his eyes.

A couple girls got up from where they were seated and grabbed a box each. I just continued to sit there and witness everything that was going on. I then looked down at my binder, not sure how exactly to feel.

Elijah had beaten me, taunted me, and over all abused me. I had apologized over and over for what had happened with Jessica, but he never showed any mercy when he brought his hands down onto my face. He and his friends had punched and kicked me without any remorse. They called me different slurs both verbally and on little notes. They tripped me in the halls. They made me afraid of my every move. Taking one wrong hallway could have landed me face first with Elijah or Jessica, and into their fists.

I guess I should be feeling happy that one of them is dead. But then again... I'm no monster.

I'm not one of them.

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