Chapter 11

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"Well? You gonna get in? Or do you plan on being late?" Axel raised one of his dark eyebrows from where he sat in the driver's seat. He was leaning over and looking at me through the rolled down window.

I turned my head and stared longingly at the direction of my house. I could just spend the day on my bed drawing or even just try and get some more sleep. I could even-

"Come on." Axel said, making me look back at him. "You don't want to make me late as well, do you?"

I awkwardly opened the passenger side door to his car and reluctantly got in. Axel rolled the window back up as I clicked the seatbelt into place.

Then a thought came to my mind. "How did you know where I was?"

"I take this road to get to school." He replied, placing his foot on the accelerator. "And good thing I have an English project due this morning, you would have been quite late."

"Yeah..." I looked out the window, and then down at my intertwined fingers. I fidget when I'm nervous or worried, and I'm definitely feeling both right now.

"Why did you have to walk this morning?"

"My parents didn't come home last night, and they had the car." My small smile turned into a frown.

I wasn't sure if it was because of my parents, or the fact that I didn't have a car. And if something somehow did happen to them, what was I going to do? I never ever wanted to actually admit this to anyone, but I needed them. I'm not ready to be living alone. I don't even have a job. Who would want someone like me working for them?

"I thought you said you hated them." Axel said, looking away from the road for a quick second to look over at me.

"I didn't say I hated them."

Something that felt like a knife twisting its way into my chest formed at the memory of the day before. I had told Axel I wished my parents would disappear.

"Where do you think they are?" He asked, looking back at the road ahead of us.

"I don't know." I said, still staring at him. "They left right after I got home yesterday, and didn't return."


That was the last word that had been spoken before we parked in the parking lot at the back of the school. I enjoyed the silence. It gave me time to think, but also worry. I've stated over and over how much I had wished my parents would disappear, but I never actually meant it. Well... maybe I did at the time.

"So I guess I'll see you in art class?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Yeah." He then turned to me. "What do you do during lunch?"

I looked away from him and out the car window, up at the clear blue sky and the sun. "It's nice out, so I'll probably sit outside somewhere." I gave him a smile and opened the door to get out. "See you later, and thanks for the ride" I closed the door and made my way to class.

* * *

Today I had science first thing and then math right after, both had been boring and if you ask me, a huge waste of time. I had sat at my seats, way too worried and thinking of my parents to do much. I had loads of homework to complete by Monday, but to be honest, for the first time in forever, I didn't care. My parents were the only thing on my mind. They had to be alright. Right?

When Axel dropped me off, I hadn't realized how early we were. I had walked to my locker and then waited around outside my science classroom, until Mr. Martin opened up the door.

After the bell rang at the end of the math class, I packed up all my work into my already very full backpack, and walked to my locker. Right when I got there, I unlocked and opened up my locker to place all my books into it. I grabbed my black sketchbook and my small gym bag.

Yours truly then took a deep breath before closing the door and walked straight into Axel. 

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