Chapter 6

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A.N. This chapter is slightly longer than the other ones. Enjoy!! :)

Elijah POV

I was pissed. I could have easily taken that jerk on. If only that stupid blizzard didn't get in the way, I would have beaten him to a pulp.

"Eli, baby, calm down. We'll deal with her tomorrow." Jess said. I could tell she was just as angry as I was. Even if she didn't show it as much as I did.

"I'm gonna kill him." I tightened my hands on the steering wheel until my knuckles turned white.

She placed a hand on my thigh. "We'll deal with both of them tomorrow."

I turned onto the driveway of her house, and then took a breath to calm myself. "Alright."

As I parked in my usual spot, she took her seatbelt off and leaned over to kiss me. I curled my hand into her hair, deepening the kiss. She let out a sigh against my mouth before pulling away from me.

"Goodnight." She smiled and opened the passenger side door to get out.


She closed the door and I watched her walk to her front door. With one last wave to me, she walked through the door of her massive house. I put my car in reverse and backed up onto the road, making my way to my house.

After what happened in the woods, Jess, Liam, and I went over to Austin's house to finish up an English project. The whole time we were there we kept thinking of different ways we were going to get the new kid alone. We barely got any work done, we were way too busy planning out our revenge. We were going to teach him who the boss was at this school.

I can't wait to tear him apart tomorrow.

I looked over at the clock, it's 9:00. My parents probably weren't going to be home when I got there. They work pretty late on weekdays.

Once parked in my spot in my driveway, I got out and walked up the stairs to the front porch. My house was about the size of Jessica's, we live in the wealthier area. With huge houses on large properties. I couldn't possibly imagine living anywhere else. Being poor seemed like a very ruf lifestyle.

I unlocked my front door and immediately turned the light on. Light flooded the room as I hung my car keys and jacket up on their assigned hooks. I then headed up the stairs to my bedroom.

I closed the door behind me, and threw my bag in the corner beside my desk. My room is pretty big I guess, I have a desk in one corner and my bed in the other. I also have my own bathroom and a massive closet.

I lay down on my bed and fish my phone out of my pocket. You have 3 missed calls. I look down at the notifications in confusion. I don't remember hearing it ring.


I jumped at the sound of the noise. Looking in the direction of the sound, I realize it's coming from my closet. I stare at the door slightly angry at whoever was on the other side. I hated pranks. Austin on the other hand loved them.

"Come on out." I said while swinging my legs over the side of my bed and sitting up.

I waited for whoever or whatever to show themselves, but it never came. I sat there thinking I might have imagined the noi-


It happened again.

"Austin, come out. I know it's you." I said slightly unsure.

I held my breath, hoping I could hear something, anything really.

I wish I hadn't.

I could just barely make out a quiet growling noise that definitely didn't sound remotely human. I was about to get up to go investigate when I jumped back down on the bed.

Bang Bang Bang

It sounded as though someone or something was quickly and repeatedly throwing themselves at the door. Every single time it happened, I jumped.

Then all of a sudden, it stopped. I could feel the sweat dripping down my forehead and the back of my neck. My heart was hammering out of my chest. This was some really sick prank and whoever was behind that door was going to pay later.

Then very slowly I saw the door handle turn. It turned with such agonizing slowness that all I wanted to do was run forward and open it myself. The suspense was killing me, both metaphorically and physically. Then it opened with a click, but only opened a tiny crack.

I was hit with a blast of freezing cold air, making my sweat turn cold. It felt as though I had been locked in a freezer overnight.

The door had now started to creak open slowly. I was really surprised and afraid to see that there was no one standing on the other side. Instead, all I saw was complete darkness.

I swallowed the lump that was forming in my throat and took a shaky breath.

Then all of a sudden, two large red eyes opened from deep within my closet. The person or thing that was attached to the eyes had to be at least seven or eight feet.

I was too frozen with fear to move, and I waited for whatever it was to make the first move. But it didn't, it just stood there, staring at me. After a minute or so, I took a quick glance over to the door to see if I would make it if I ran. The thing seemed to have read my mind because I heard it take a small step forward.

My muscles seemed to have uncoiled, and I launched myself off my bed and threw open my door, slamming it firmly shut behind me. I heard the thing run and slam itself once into my door before everything went silent.

I didn't bother checking to see if it had gone. I've seen enough horror movies to know that anytime someone goes to double check, they end up dying a quite gruesome death.

I turned around and away from my room thinking I could grab the keys that I hung up and hopefully drive to Austin's or Liam's house, when I had to stop.

Standing at the top of the stairs, at the end of the hall, stood the tall new kid. He still had on the same clothes from earlier, but this time his eyes were way different. They were completely black, no white showing at all, and had an almost sunken trait to them.

I took a step back, away from him, but that just caused him to take his first step in my direction. He had a huge smile playing on his lips as he slowly stalked towards me, like a lion staring down his trapped prey. My back is pressed right up against my bedroom door. I didn't want to go in there, too scared, because the thing might still be in there. I could most likely survive whatever the new kid has planned, rather than that thing that was in my closet.

He got halfway to me when I could hear him chuckling to himself. I probably looked pathetic pressed up against the door like this, but I didn't know what he was and what he could do.

This isn't real. You're sleeping. WAKE UP!! I kept telling myself as he crept closer. I even pinched myself a few times, hoping I would wake up from this nightmare.

Once he finally got to me, he grabbed my neck with his right hand, cutting the air off from reaching my lungs. My hands immediately went to his hand to try and pry his hands from killing me. I attempted to kick out at him but it didn't do much. Nothing was stopping him from strangling me.

"You're not gonna hurt anyone. Anymore. Ever again." He growled.

I stopped moving for a second, surprised by his voice. It sounded so deep, almost demonic. Like the ones in horror movies.

He smiled and chuckled once more before opening his mouth wide. Black smoke came out and engulfed me, causing me to black out.

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