Chapter 3: Tyler

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  She was intriguing. Long, copper brown hair, a bright smile. I really only saw her from a distance, but something pulls me desiring to meet meet her. 

  I walk into the house through the garage and throw my skateboard by the door, walking to the kitchen. I put some leftover pizza in the microwave and I silently go to my dad's room to see if he's awake. The door is open, so I step inside.

  I instantly gag at the pungent smell of alcohol, but I continue into the dark room to find my wasted dad on his bed with an empty vodka bottle loosely held in his hand. He's like this every night when I come home from school, but I always check just in case he decided not to drink. I've been doing this stupid "hoping he'll change for his son" thing for years, but no luck. My eyes tear up both from the smell and because of the desperate loneliness feeling that hits my chest. I quickly exit the room, eat my leftover sausage pizza with haste, and head to my room.

  The next morning, I wake up thinking about the girl from yesterday. Maybe I just need a date or something to settle this anxiety in my stomach. One date before I move on like always. And today is Friday, so I can get this done and over with, get back to my normal self by tomorrow. I'm about to head back upstairs to brush my teeth when I see it through my window. I see her  through my window. She's coming to my door. A brief panic comes over me for whatever reason as she edges closer.

  The doorbell rings and I walk as casual as possible to the door in case she can see me somehow -- gotta keep my reputation up. I open it, cocking my head to the side to look relaxed.

  "Yo wussup." I say, staying casual. I mask my emotions very well. My heart is pounding and my palms are starting to sweat. When has this ever happened to Tyler James? This . . . anxiety? This . . . weird tingly burn zipping up and down my body with every heartbeat?
  "Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Sarah. I moved in across the street yesterday and saw you in your driveway so I just wanted to come and introduce myself." She beams. I can't help but get lost in her sparkling blue eyes: her innocence can be seen through them, and it stuns me.
  She clears her throat, snapping me back into reality. "Should I maybe come back later? I don't see your parents anywhere . . ." She says, peaking her head through the door on her tiptoes like an impatient child in line for ice cream.
  "Uh yeah -- no -- my parents went to work. They're always busy." I try to laugh, but it comes out as a nervous giggle and I am now questioning my entire existence. What is actually wrong with me?
  "Okay?" She says slowly, laughing it off and looking at me with curiosity, "So what is your name?" She asks.

  Okay, it's my time. I turn on my charm and the half-smile grin, "Tyler James."
  She laughs a little, "Alright, it's nice to meet you Tyler James. I can't wait to see you at school. Enjoy your breakfast and God bless you." She says, smiling. She turns to leave and I freeze for a moment, processing her last few words. Wait a minute.
  "Hey Sarah, what did you say again? I didn't catch the last part." I ask.
  She laughs a little again, "I said God bless you!" With a cheery voice.
  God bless me. She's Christian?
  Well that may be a deal breaker.

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