Chapter 18: Sarah

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  Our date was so nice on Friday, it truly was. We got milkshakes, saw a movie, and my head somehow made its way to his shoulder; Dad doesn't have to know about that part. It's really just that I can't get over the fact that he really seems to hate God so much. How could someone be such a great-hearted human being, such a strong believer with a wonderful family-- to someone without a mother, an alcoholic dad, and a person of absolutely no faith? It must break God's heart to see that happen to someone.
  When we get to church, Tyler opens my door for me, and reaches out his hand. I smile and gladly take it, pulling myself out of the car.
  "Thank you." I say, nodding my head once and smiling brightly at him. I honestly wish I could just kiss him sometimes. I have such a love-hate relationship with him.
  When we enter the church, my dad is already there getting ready. He's talking with the choir on stage as Tyler, Mom and I take our seats near the front row. When we sit, my dad looks at me and smiles at us. I smile back, giving him a thumbs up for good luck today. And at that moment, I remember something.
  "Okay Tyler. I know you don't want to be here, but can you please listen just a little bit? For me?" I ask.
  He sighs and after a moment, "Alright, I'll try." He says.
  I smile at him, resting my head on his strong shoulder for a moment and relax, trusting that Dad won't panic because we are in church and doing what he asked of Tyler.
  A few minutes later, I snap awake hearing the music start and people stand out of their seats. I guess I fell asleep before church started  but  Tyler's shoulder is like a firm pillow that smells like everything fresh. I couldn't help myself.
  I stand along with Tyler and my mom, and the words begin to appear on the giant screen on stage.

"I was lost.
My heart was in chains.
The world had a hold of me.

My heart was a stone.
I was covered in shame
When he came to me . . ."
  I look over at Tyler to see that he's singing, just barely. He looks embarrassed, disgusted, a little bored, but when he notices that I'm looking over at him, he suddenly smiles, sings a tad louder, and waves his body to the rhythm of the music. I really want him to be doing this for himself, not for me, but I decide to think about this later. I look back at the lyrics and continue.
He loves me
He loves me,
He is for me.
How can it be?
He loves me,
He is for me..."

  We talk about how Jesus was, is, and always will be our King. Then we talk a little bit about how to keep Him at the center of our lives, and other things like that.
  I take the moment of prayer with much gratitude:

  Dear Lord,
Tyler is such an amazing guy. He cares about me and my family, and he's trying his hardest to win me over. When he was younger, he was seperated from you, and I just pray that you help him find his true self and where he belongs: You're kingdom. If he can't get back on his path with you, Lord, than all of this is pointless and I am doing my best to be a light to him that you can shine through. Pleas don't let this all be for nothing. Please help him, and his earthly father, and all in the world who choose not to believe in you. Help them find you. And saying this from the deepest, purest, most honest piece of my heart, I truly love you more than anyone or anything, no matter what life puts in my way. Please help Tyler find this truth in his heart, and fulfill the promises you made for his life. Amen.

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