Chapter 14: Sarah

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  Last night was confusing and horrible but wonderful all at the same time. I have to keep my distance until I can trust him-- I know that. He's a dangerous boy and just because I just moved into town doesn't mean he's going to change his ways all of the sudden. Yet it's impossibly hard to resist his charm-- like some kind of spell, I swear.
  Today is Sunday and I'm very excited. Today is the first day Tyler will go to church with me. I feel so loved by God knowing that I could be helping someone get back on track to making it to Heaven-- although I know he loves me regardless of what I do. This idea brings a warm, tingly sensation to my soul. Then, it hits me like a bullet. God is using me. He is using me to change someone for the better. Just the thought of bringing someone closer to Jesus amazes me. I throw on a blue dress that is flooded with flowers, and loosely braid my hair. I rarely do my hair at all, but I always do for church.
  My family comes to church together, and never separately. Since Tyler hasn't been to church in quite a while, we are picking him up along the way. He lives just across the street, so he walks to our house before we leave: just like he said he would. He looks fancy, but not too fancy-- just like me. He's wearing black, shiny shoes, a collared shirt with khaki pants, and his hair is swept to the side. He never puts gel in his hair, so it's just swept by his hand and a brush.

   I wave at him as he walks over, and he waves back, smiling at me. He starts running over to me, and he grabs my hand, and spins me around, making me feel like a princess. My parents aren't outside yet which probably was the reason for his confidence in touching my hand to do it., and I don't even think to stop him. Once again, I get lost in his eyes. Those beautiful, bright blue eyes. They remind me of the ocean-- another reason he must belong there.

  When my dad comes out of the house, ready to leave, Tyler immediately let's go of my hand, and straightens his shoulders; I can't help but smile a little. He smiles back, but only for a split second before my dad looks at us and walks right through us, lightly pushing us apart from each other as if he didn't even notice our existence. I take a glance at Tyler and I can see his face turning red hot.
  "Dad, are we leaving now?" I ask, trying to loosen the situation.
  "Yes. Your mother is coming, get in the car sweetie." He says, walking close to me and kissing my forehead. Tyler looks slightly jealous, but I can tell he tries not to show it. My mother comes out of the house.
  "Alright! Let's get in the car love bugs!" She squeals. My dad freezes for a moment.
  "They're not a couple." He says, quickly. My mother puts her hands up in surrender, laughing.
  "Whatever you say baby." She plants a small kiss on his cheek and gets in the car. I hope this goes okay.

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