Chapter 7: Tyler

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  Who knew a girl could do this to Tyler James because I didn't.  I thought I was always the rejecter, not the one being rejected. She thinks I'm a bad boy, but she hasn't seen all of me yet. I'm going to dig up that good boy in me that I buried for my own protection, I'm going to be the best boy at the school. I'm going to make certain that no one steals her from me, and I am going to make her falls for me. I need her: I need her beauty, her smile, I need her sweetness. And I'm going to get it.

  I try to look as attractive as possible, putting on my favorite cologne, and I to get to school on time, which I rarely ever do.
  I get to my locker and she passes by, holding her books and walking with Daniella. She sees me, but when I look at her, her eyes flit away. Danie gives me a nasty look and I reply in a charming smile. She was a good girlfriend -- I should have kept her a little longer.
  Sarah's presence makes me smile. I watch her intently as she walks past me, down the hallway. I'm lost in her again. Her beautiful, long brown hair falling below her shoulders. She's flawless even from the back of her . . .
  "Sup brah!" I'm shoved into my locker harshly. I snap back into reality as my friend, JC Nichols, blocks my view.
  "Hey, dude." I say, still trying to look past him and at Sarah. He steps into my view of her.
  "Dude, I'm right here. Where are you looking? You high or somethin'?" He asks, nudging me.
  "No." I say, not laughing.
  "Then what are you looking at?" He asks, turning his head where mine is.
  "I'm looking at this girl. She's beautiful isn't she?" I ask, feeling as though I'm in a trance.
  "Dude. Don't you know who that is?" He asks me.
  "What do you mean?"
  "That's Sarah. Sarah Williams? Her dad is a preach guy at that church down the street. They moved here so he could talk about Jesus and that." He said, amazed that I didn't know.
  "And . . .?" I say, confused.
  "And that violates our code! No dating Christian girls bro! Their stuff is stupid brah, don't fall for em'. Plus her dad might kill you if he knows a bad atheist boy is dating his daughter. Aye come on dude, it's not meant to be." He says.
  "You say 'violation', but I say exception. She seems like an amazing girl."
  "Dude! Remember our rules, aight?" He says, getting annoyed.
  I nod, but I'm not really listening.
  "Aight, cool. Skate park after school?" He asks.
  "Yeah you bet!" We fist pump and he leaves. With that, I grab the rest of my stuff and try to force her out of my brain so I can think about the skate park.
  What was I thinking, falling for a girl like her? It would never work.

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