Chapter 17: Tyler

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  Her beautiful brown hair falls flawlessly into place when the ponytail releases it's hold. Her sparkling eyes flash at me, and her smile makes my heart pound in my ears. I close my eyes, pulling her closer to me, and just as her lips are about to touch mine, a giant, golden cross falls in between us and I snap awake.

   It's Friday at school and the last bell of the day has just rung. I yawn and stretch, thinking about my dream of Sarah. I wish I could kiss her so bad but her stupid faithy, religion stuff keeps getting in the way. My second church day is this Sunday, and I'm already dreading it. It's more boring than school-- being in that church, listening to her dad talk about God and Jesus and the bible and all of that garbage-- and I'm not looking forward to it in two more days.

  I grab my history books and lazily walk to my locker to pack up. Sarah is quick to get out of the classroom and to her locker, so I don't see her which means I can act normal; being a good boy like I used to be in fifth grade is really exhausting.
  Since JC ditched school again today, I stop at the drive-thru and order a burger, heading home after. I don't usually do my homework, but I need to look good for Sarah, so I force myself to do it. I fall asleep three times and forget to answer at least half of the questions, but I do enough to turn it in and not get a 0. With that, I call Sarah.
  "Hello?" She answers.
  "Hey beautiful. Since you're going on three dates with me, our second one should be tonight I  thought. Let's just get some milkshakes at the fast food restaurant down the street and catch a movie. I'll meet you there around six, okay?" I ask, sitting back in my seat, almost falling off.
  "Okay, see you in an hour." She laughs and hangs up.
  I order a chocolate and vanilla milkshake, then wait patiently for her to show up at the movie theater. When she does, I'm breathless again. She's so beautiful I can hardly stand it-- it almost makes me mad how she can control me so easily. The best part is that she doesn't even wear any makeup to look like this. I feel like taking her home and talking to her all night.
  About half way through the romance movie, she rests her head on my shoulder and I smile as I rest mine on top of hers. The rest of the night was a complete blur to me after that. 

   Church is on Sunday, and then I'll almost be done with the agony-- one more time after Sunday. Then it'll be over.

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