Chapter 30: Sarah

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  I walk down the steps of the chapel stage feeling refreshed, walking over to Tyler, when he stops me. He has dark brown hair and brown eyes that remind me of chocolate. He has a great big smile on his face-- white, perfect teeth. That charming smile. I suddenly have a flashback from the time I liked him. He used to go to my school back to the time of my old life and a close childhood friend.

  "Sarah! Happy Birthday! I'm so happy to see you." He beams.

  "Oh hey, Peter. Thank you! How did your mission go?" I ask.

  "Pretty well. I enjoyed it quite a bit and I really feel like I made a good difference. My parents were so excited when they got the call from your dad asking if I could come to your baptism and frankly so was I. I loved your speech, also." The way he speaks is so professional.

  "Awe, thank you! I worked on it for a bit. I'm glad you liked it and I'm very happy you were able to come." I say, trying to wrap up the conversation so I can get to Tyler. I glance over at him and he's just smelling the different flowers.

  "Anyways, I know that you can date now, and so can I. So, I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go on a date next Friday? We've been liking each other for quite a while, and I thought it would be a good time to maybe get stuff moving in our relationship-- if you're still interested." He smiles, softly. He's trying to make sure he doesn't push it too far with me, like I'm a fragile piece of glass.

  "Oh, well actually, Tyler and I . . ." I trail off, feeling bad.

  "Are you two in a relationship? I thought you were just friends." He says, confused.

  "I just recently became in a relationship with Tyler, actually, so I'm taken now. I'm sorry Peter . . . I don't really know what else to say." Guilt presses into my skin as I watch his face slowly sink.

  "It's alright, I'm happy for you. I gotta go soon though, so I guess this is goodbye for now?" He asks, his voice noticeably quieter.

  I smile and nod, "Goodbye for now, Peter." He hugs me softly and I appreciate the smell of his fresh clothes. I hold him tight for a moment, knowing I probably won't see him again for a while since I've moved away.

  After he lets go, I walk to Tyler and suddenly feel like I'm going to cry again. I'm so proud of him and the person he's becoming right in front of my eyes. 

  He sees me approaching him and before I can even say a word, he kisses me right on the lips. It's like nothing I've ever experienced before and I feel my entire body heat up like a million fires started all at the same time. I can feel both of us start to smile and he releases me for just a moment to say, "Will you be my girlfriend?" 

  I laugh and simply say, "Of course." 

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