Chapter 28: Sarah

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  The second I get into my room, I see Tyler aggressively waving to me from below, outside in front of his house. He's never done this before and it makes me laugh, so I throw my arms, trying to ask him what this excitement is all about. He signals to his phone and I continue to smile, I check mine that has been on silent all day. 

  Tyler: Meet at Emma's Diner, 5. Urgent

Me: okay? see u soon


  When I get to the diner, I see Tyler standing at the door with a small bouquet of flowers, just like the ones he got me for our first date. I courtesy and giggle at him, gladly taking the flowers and his gesture of holding the door for me as he bows: a prince.

  The next thing I notice almost instantly after we sit down is the red mark on his left cheek that almost spreads to his eye.

"Oh my word Tyler what happened?" The worry must be plastered on my face like a billboard on an empty highway.

"Nothing. I'm fine and it's not what I wanted to talk about." He skips right to the point, "Your birthday is on Sunday, correct? The second baptism day of the month?" He asks, excitedly.

"Yes . . ?" I reply, unsure of where this is going yet.

"So, I have two birthday presents for you. One is a surprise, obviously. But the other is-" he is cut off by the rude, street-boy waiter.

"Hey lady. Yo, man. What do ya freaks want for yo dinna? " he asks, awkwardly. He seems to be joking and I laugh a little.

"We'll both have hamburgers with everything but pickles, french fries, and two Dr.Peppers-- one medium and one small." Tyler says, no doubt in his mind that it's what we would have ordered after talking about it.

The waiter is furiously writing and then leaves quickly. I take a small breath of relief.

"You were saying?" 

"Okay." He hesitates for just a moment but then, "I want to get baptized."

I sit still, utterly frozen.

Tyler James wants to get baptized.

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