Chapter 26: Sarah

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  Tyler shows up a little late to our first block which already shows me that he isn't okay; he hasn't been tardy since we started dating. I can see the redness in his face as he puts his tardy slip on our history teacher's desk. No one else could be able to tell that he just finished crying in his car because of his dad, nobody could see the pain he's going through in this moment except for me and because of this, I look behind me when he sits down and I simply say:

  "I'm here for you."

  He nods his head ever so gently and signals for me to look at the board. He doesn't want to be a distraction to me. I'm going to be fine, pay attention to class he tells me with his eyes, so I do.

  But the second class is over I meet him at his locker and I don't even have to say a word before he gives me direct eye contact and says, "Everything is fine, Sarah. I'm gonna be okay. My dad just doesn't like how I'm living my life because he's jealous that I'm actually doing something about the hole in my chest. It'll pass and he'll be locked up in his room for another month before I even get home. Don't worry about me."

  "Wow, it sure took me a lot of prying for you to open up like that." I laugh a little and give him a side hug because my books are filling up my right arm.

  He laughs too and rubs my back. 

  "We have to get to class. Thank you for being there for me all the time, Sarah. I really do appreciate it. You mean the world to me." I can hear the sincerity in his voice and I simply nod and smile because he always leaves me speechless when he says things like that. I'm so happy to have a boy like this in my life. 

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