Chapter 22: Sarah

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  I can't believe my eyes. In this church, right beside me, Tyler James is praying. I never thought he would ever, but Jesus must be speaking to him today, and I'm so glad. He deserves to be brought back to God.
  Once he lifts his head, I see that there are tears streaming down his face that he doesn't even try to wipe away. This is the first time I'm witnessing something like this. I'm overcome with joy for him, and elated that I was able to help bring him here. I don't say or do anything to help him right now because I know that I've really done all I can. It's time for me to let go, and let God. I just look at him, and wait for him to talk to me. I don't want to rush him or ruin  a moment, so I just look at him occasionally to make sure he's still alright.
  When the service is over, he takes a deep, slow breath. He blows it out, looking off into space, and then looks over at me.
  "Ready to go?" He asks, masking his emotions from me completely. This sort of disappoints me and I push on it.
 "Are you okay?" I ask, trying to sound gentle.
  "I'm fine." He laughs.
  "Then why were you crying?" I ask, sweetly. He smiles and shakes his head, looking down.
  "If I wanted to talk to you about something, I would. I promise." He smiles. "Now let's get going, beautiful."
  I smile, and my mother steps in.
  "Alright, let's get going little doves." She beams. We both laugh and stand up. My dad is also coming, walking down the steps of the stage and walking over to us. It worked. I mouth to him. He smiles and winks at me. We very well might have helped Tyler get back to his faith today.

  While we drive in the car, I notice something in the sky. I look a little closer, and I'm amazed at what I see. It's a rainbow, bright and right in front of my face. It hasn't even rained today.

  "Tyler look, it's a rainbow." I smile, pointing outside. He glances at it and freezes for a moment. He looks down at his hands as if he's thinking really hard. He looks confused and amazed.

  "What?" I ask, amused at his expression. He shakes his head.
  "When-when I prayed, I told God to show me a sign after church s-so that I knew he was going to keep his promises to me that I told him to make when I was little." He stutters, completely dumbfounded.
  "I guess He really wants you back." I smile. He looks at me, very seriously.
  "Sarah--" He stops, his eyebrows creasing, "I love you Sarah." He says,and I can clearly see that he really means it. A flush of excitement goes through my body, from the very top of my head, to the tips of my toes.
  "I love you too." I reply-- a sweet, sincere smile spreading across my face. My parents keep quiet. Neither say a word. I smile even more at this, and look out my window, enjoying the beautiful sight of a rainbow without even one raindrop before it.

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