Chapter 15: Tyler

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  The car ride is pretty short. When we get there, Sarah looks at me to see a reaction, but I just smile, not sure what else I'm supposed to do. We hop out of the car and walk inside the huge church which is actually a little too huge. It's so much bigger than I remember my church being.
I don't really pay attention to it anymore because I don't believe in all of this junk, but when Sarah and the others asked how it was, I just smiled and said it was great.

  The actual service I don't remember much of-- I was catching glimpses at Sarah the whole time other than the few seconds I was drinking grape juice fro tiny plastic cups and eating what I guess was supposed to be bread.

  They drop me off at home right after, and when I get in the house, my dad is actually awake. He's snooping around the kitchen, looking for food-- or maybe alchohol.
  "Hey dad." I say, bluntly. I'm glad that he's up --even though he's wearing old pajama pants and a ripped T shirt-- but I don't love him like a son should. Not after all he did. It gets awkward when he's actually walking about.
  He just grunts in response, grabbing a beer and heading back to his room. The last time he's been out of the house was two weeks ago when he had to stock up on groceries. We have a long line of wealthy ancestors, so he never has the need to really work anymore. Which is good, because I doubt he would be able to keep himself sober long enough to even write his name on a resume anyways. I try to ignore him and head straight to my room upstairs. I know I should be honest with my dad, but I'm afraid he'll yell at me if I tell him not to drink for a few hours so that we can actually have a conversation. I've always wondered how it is for kids with good parents. Kids that can go home, dinner steaming on the table when you open that welcoming door, and a person who will actually ask you how your day was, how you're feeling, who your friends are and why. But everyone knows that will forever be just a fantasy in my world.

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