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  Sarah turns around and uncovers her eyes. She sees her four-year-old daughter Lily and gives her a big bear hug as they both start laughing uncontrollably and collapse onto the couch. Tyler jumps out from behind the sofa and starts chasing them both around the living room. Tyler catches his wife and pulls her off her light feet. They pull into each other and Tyler pants a small peck on Sarah's soft lips. 

  High school continued for the two as they kept falling even more in love with each other. Sarah's family became Tyler's pretty much, and Mr. WIlliams gave his blessing a few years later. They were best friends throughout their teenage years, the cutest couple in the yearbook, and once their senior year was over, they raced each other down that same beach and he proposed on the doc. The rest was pretty much history: they got married, bought a house near their church (Mr.Williams gave his church over to Tyler once he got too old and now he is the new pastor), had a little girl named Lily, and never stopped volunteering whenever there was time.

  As for Tyler's father, it took him years but he finally showed up to church just to see how Tyler was running things, and eventually started coming every Sunday and Wednesday night. He never fully got over his addictions but got a job to keep him busy most of the time and never missed a Thanksgiving from then on.

   Lily starts to tap her mother's stomach and begins talking, "Mommy, I want my little brother. When is Gabe coming?" She asks, curiously. She gets this from her father. 

  "Very soon, honeybunch. Now, it's time to pray: dinner is ready." Tyler replies. They all kneel down and lock hands, creating a small circle.

Lily starts:

"Dear Lord,

  We, the James household, give thanks to you. We are thankful for all you have given us, and what you did for us on . . . uh, oh! Easter. Please bless us, and our friends and family too. And people we don't know, and, well, everyone please. Amen." She concludes. 

  After this, the little family of three (soon to be four) stands up and walks to the dinner table that holds three hot plates of fresh, homemade food. 

  God really does love all of his children-- even if they wander from him for a while.

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