Chapter 1.3 - The Darkest of Knights.

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Hatred is a marvelous beast but a blind beast at that. Hatred sees nothing beyond its own assumptions, you cannot reason with hatred nor should you try.

Adam tightened his grip on the steering wheel, replaying the night over in his mind for the umpteenth time. Obsessing over the events and bringing the anger inside of him to a boil. Letting it bubble and ooze from his face, eyes, and posture. Until he ceased to be and only the anger remained.

He knew Clara, recognized the cold contempt and the cunning guile that lurked behind her eyes - That apparently only he could see - Unlike everyone else, he knew exactly how cantankerous the decrepit bitch was. Tonight his feelings for her were no different, yet all that pent-up rage from years of biting his tongue finally exploded to the surface and he saw red. This expression is often over-used, however, in this case, it was true. The world had tinted a scarlet hue, his heart had quickened so fast that he could hear the blood violently pumping through his body. He felt every eye in the room watching in silent judgment. He didn't know if it was the sneaky joint he had hours prior, but his paranoia was through the roof. They were laughing at him, mocking him in secret, and he was sick to fucking death of ignoring it, so he reacted. Clara wanted a reaction from him, he could see the snigger behind her eyes. There was something uncanny about those eyes, something familiar yet out of grasp. Something that stretched him thin, made him feel inferior, small, worthless, almost like a child... 

"Adam, slow down baby," said Rose, dislodging him from his chaotic thoughts.

She meant well, he knew she did, but he was still full of anger. As much as he loved her, he was possessed by hatred, consumed, rendered raw by hate. And it took control of him, he was filled with a singular-minded need, a desire to forget the world, abandon everything and just accelerate. And so his foot pushed harder on the accelerator and the car gained speed.

Rose was jerked backwards into her seat temporarily and she stared at him with wide eyes of horror. He waited for a rebuttal or a snide comment, but Rose simply  regained her composure and shook her head disapprovingly. Which fanned the flames of hatred more than any snide comment could.

Rose opened her mouth to speak but pursed her lips. He watched this from the rear-view mirror.

"Speak up, tell me exactly how much of a wanker I am," he snapped.

Rose stared quizzically, her shoulders slumped, and she sighed.

"You know full well what you did was wrong, you don't need me to tell you what you already know," Rose said and crossed her arms over her chest.

Adam laughed - it came out as a snarl. They had been together for 8 years, and Rose had never heard him make that noise before. She opened her mouth to offer him an olive branch, a way out of this argument. In their hearts, neither of them truly wanted this, but Fate had other designs. Instead of the mature and understanding speech, she had formulated in her mind. All she managed to say was two words.

"Look out!"

The car was coming around a corner, and the road was wet and slick. However, that wasn't why Rose was screaming. A woman was standing in the middle of the road. Smiling as the car advanced upon her, she welcomed it and summoned it to her.


Realizing that he would never be able to break in time, he spun the steering wheel to the left to avoid the suicidal bitch. The body of the car moaned and groaned a protest. He'd turned the wheel too much and didn't have time to rectify his mistake, the car hit the barricade at the side of the road and flipped. It flipped once, twice, thrice. Reality became a blur of screaming and screeching and bending metal. The car flipped and spun as it hit tree, after tree, after tree.

Gast: Volume 1: Dead to rights. (Gothic Horror) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now